1: An Unlikely Encounter

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It was 3AM and I was walking down the streets of New York. I honestly just needed a break from everything, and although the city was always crazy, it was less so during this time of day. The only thing bothersome was the occasional homeless crackhead.

I rarely got moments like this to relax, but when I did, it was most often in the morning when everyone else was asleep; the vampirism prevented me from ever sleeping, which was both a blessing and a curse. I sometimes wish that I could sleep just to take a break from the chaos of living.

While strolling I looked up at the skyscrapers, admiring their beauty at night as the moonlight reflected off of their glass exteriors. These skyscrapers were rather new, and they continued to astonish me all the time; in the early 1800s, all that existed were crappy tenements and those looked horrid. The construction of these beautiful buildings was rather recent.

A man stood on the corner of one of the street blocks selling churros. He must have been struggling if he was still selling food at this time of night. I bought 5 from him, and he looked so grateful, so I also tipped him a Benjamin. He shed a few tears, and told me how much it would help his family. I got mildly uncomfortable at the show of emotion, but offered him a tight smile and continued on my stroll.

I started to walk through some alleys between the highrises to get home quicker. The churros were absolutely delectable, so I made a mental note to go back again. Needless to say, I ate them all within the span of a minute. Not too long after, I saw two men cornering a brunette. Upon closer inspection, they were clearly drunk, but she didn't seem too worried.

The brunette was absolutely beautiful with light green eyes and a very defined face structure. She looked quite covered up with a baseball cap and a full length trench coat, a crimson sweater, long black pants and some leather boots.

 She looked quite covered up with a baseball cap and a full length trench coat, a crimson sweater, long black pants and some leather boots

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"C'mon girlie, we'll give you a great time if you just come with us." I heard the smaller of the two men say.

However, she clearly did not want his 'great time' and sternly told them to back off. However, once the men started laughing menacingly and approaching her I finally decided to intervene.

"Hello gentlemen, I believe that was her telling you to politely fuck off." I grabbed each of the men by their shirts and hoisted them up until their feet were dangling off the ground. They pulled at their collars to try and relieve some of the pressure from their throats, as they were probably suffocating. Their legs continued to kick to escape, and they both wriggled and squirmed frantically.

"You're lucky there's a sweet little lady behind us, or I would've snapped both of your necks right here," I said more calmly as they continued to struggle to breathe. I threw them both at the opposite brick wall, and they slumped to the floor, gasping for air and from the impact of hitting the wall. They probably wouldn't be able to get up for a while.

When I turned around, the woman was looking at me quite wide eyed and confused, but not scared. I swear to God, this woman seems foolishly fearless.


I'd been on the run for six months before I decided to return to New York. Surely they wouldn't think to look for me here, the location of my former home, no matter how short lived it was.

I arrived by ferry a couple hours after midnight, allowing myself a temporary reprieve, walking around the city in the shadows.

However, I decided that I needed to find someplace to stay, which wouldn't be too hard as I could just manipulate a receptionist.

I tried to be as inconspicuous as possible with a hat and unrevealing clothes to hopefully hide my identity. Also, I figured that there were not that many people out in the early AMs.

It seemed that I was out of luck, however, when two men decided to corner me in one of the alleys. I repeatedly told them to leave (for their own benefit honestly), but they were just so damn persistent.

I was about to leave them in a fugue state when I heard a booming voice to my right. It was slightly raspy and screamed authority. Before I could process what was going on, the two men who were harassing me were several feet in the air and clearly struggling to breathe. Before me stood a woman, probably close to six and a half feet lifting up two fat men as if they were made of feathers. Her jaw was clenched tightly and she was clearly furious; the veins in her neck were popping out and her eyes pierced into the two men's souls.

I'd be lying if I said that she wasn't attractive; although I couldn't see her skin too much due to her clothing, I saw some tattoos peeking out through on her neck and she had several on her hands too; huge hands, may I add.

The next thing I knew, they were thrown quite hard at the wall and I'd be surprised if they would be able to walk for weeks.

Once they were incapacitated, the woman turned towards me and her features softened significantly.

"Hey darling, what are you doing out here alone so late at night?"

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