2: Just a Spark

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Hello readers! Just a quick note from the author :) I have a couple chapters written, but updates will probably be slow since I am taking 6 AP classes (I know, dumb decision and I regret it already). I really appreciate the comment that I received from ToriDizon yesterday ,and if you feel like commenting, I'd really enjoy to see your thoughts :).  Anyways, onto the chapter!


The green-eyed woman continued to stare at me and never answered my question, so I followed up with another one. "How about I walk you home?" That seemed to snap her back to reality.

"Uhhm no it's fine, I should really get going," she mumbled, looking downwards.

"Well too bad, I'm walking you. Where are you located?"

"You can just walk me to Hotel Edison," she said.

"Oh, you visiting from out of town?" I asked as we started walking towards Times Square.

"Yeah, I'm just visiting my brother," she replied. It seemed like a normal response, but I heard her heart stutter slightly, giving away her lie. I had no idea why she would lie about something like that, but I decided that I would ignore it for now.

We walked in silence, but it wasn't necessarily uncomfortable. When we got into the lobby of the hotel, I let her walk up to the receptionist, but I listened into the conversation. Not too long after they started talking, the receptionist mentioned that they were fully booked, so I approached the green-eyed woman and lightly put my hand on her shoulder, which seemed to startle her. I could've sworn that I saw her eyes go red for a second, but I convinced myself that it was just my mind.

"Shall we leave?" I asked her. She nodded and we exited the lobby. I realized that she probably didn't have a place to stay, so I considered giving her one of my guest rooms. Wait what the fuck, I don't even know this chick. Screw it, it's not like she can do anything to me.

"You know darling, I do have a guest bedroom if you need a place to crash." Her head snapped to me, analysing if I had any malicious intent. Damn, this girl must have been through a lot.

"Are you sure? You already saved me once, you know, " she said with a slight smirk, but I could tell she genuinely didn't want to impose.

"I wouldn't have offered if I didn't mean it. We'll have to get a taxi though since it's pretty far from here," I replied, making sure that she knew that I meant it. Damn I'm getting soft. "Under one condition though."

She furrowed her brows, contemplating if she could trust me. "Okay, what's this condition?"

"Tell me your name, darling," I told her as she scrunched her nose in amusement. That was really fucking cute.

"Seriously, that's it?" She asked. I just hummed in affirmation. "Wanda".

"Ohhhh I've got a little Sokovian on my hands, haven't I? Now that you mention it, your accent is still detectable in your vowels, but you've done a good job of concealing it," I said while waving down a taxi. I started to feel a slight buzzing in my head, but upon focusing on it, it went away. Either I was going crazy or someone was messing with my mind; I hadn't encountered that since the eighteenth century with the witches of Mystic Falls. However, taking a brief look around, I didn't see anyone conspicuous so I ignored it for the time being.

"Huh, how'd you know?" she asked as we walked into the taxi.

"I lived there for a while," I replied, trying to keep it as vague as possible. It wasn't a lie, but I had lived there over 100 years ago, so I didn't want to give any details away. Then, speaking to the taxi driver, I spoke to the taxi driver, "Madison Square Park Tower please."

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