4: An Unexplainable Attraction

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a/n: hey all!! so I see that a lot of you have added this story to your reading lists which is amazing, thank you! if you could also vote that would mean a lot. also, i'm in tennessee for a while, so i won't be able to write that much. also, with school starting soon, i have to start my summer homework ;|. anyways, comment your thoughts below and anything else that you want to rant about, probably school or life in general. enjoy!!


Y/N took me down the elevator to the main lobby. When we walked out of the building, the valet was waiting with her car.

Your car:

    She opened the passenger side door for me and then got into the driver's seat

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She opened the passenger side door for me and then got into the driver's seat. I still had no idea where we were going, and she refused to tell me even the smallest hint. However, we eventually reached Hudson Yards, which I never got the chance to explore.

I was confused when we pulled up to the Equinox Hotel, but she looked at me in the eyes as if telling me to trust her, so I just went along with her. We entered one of the elevators and went to the rooftop. When we exited the elevator, I saw a breathtaking restaurant with an unforgettable metal sculpture in the middle of a long pool-like water feature. Private booths lined the left side of the restaurant, where we were immediately brought to by a waiter.

"Would you like anything to drink?" the waiter asked the both of us.

"Could we get a bottle of pinot gris?" she replied..

"Yes ma'am, we actually have a couple bottles of Zind-Humbrecht or Au Bon Climat if you'd prefer that instead."

"We'll take the Zind-Humbrecht, thank you," Y/N said whilst handing the drink menus to the waiter.

While we waited for our drinks, she let me talk about what I did today and I told her about the gay man I saw on the side of the road wearing nothing but a golden speedo. During our conversation, she kept her focus on me the whole time and showed genuine interest into what I was saying, even when i started to talk about why my favorite color was red. For the first time in a very long while, I felt seen and important; the hole in my heart left by Pietro began to mend itself, and all it took was this stranger that I just met yesterday.

The waiter came with our bottle of wine and some glasses. She poured us each a cup and then took our food orders.

"I'll have the Ribeye and she'll have the Contramar Inspired Rainbow Trout," Y/N said before I even had a chance to look at the menu. Honestly though, she got my order perfectly, and quite frankly I liked it when she took the reins. It was nice to have someone care for me again. This is moving way too quickly, but she makes me feel so content again.

"How'd you know what I would've ordered?" I asked her.

"I guess I'm just good at reading people like that," Y/N responded, with a certain glint in her eye.

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