6: Confrontation

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A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you for the recent support on this story :). I really appreciate the feedback, comments, and votes that you all have been leaving! Again, please do vote and boost the story, it means a lot and also encourages me to write more, faster! As you can all probably tell, I have no update schedule and just write whenever I get inspiration. So, without further ado, please enjoy!


When I walked back into the compound, the communal areas were empty. I received a welcome back message from FRIDAY, who told me that everyone else was back in their rooms; they probably hadn't talked to each other yet.

I swiftly made it back to my room and dropped the trunks, which were getting quite heavy. Y/N must have packed a lot of shit in there.

Just as I was unpacking my toiletries, I FRIDAY made an announcement throughout the compound that Fury wanted everyone to meet in the conference room.

Begrudgingly, I made my way up to the 52nd floor conference room. As I walked to the elevator, I saw the doors closing and sped up to get inside before they closed, but it was clear I wasn't going to make it. Luckily, Natasha held it open for me.

I offered her a small smile, and although the silence was awkward, it wasn't charged with anger, like I'm sure would be the case between some of the others. Given, Natasha and I were both on the run and had shared some similar experiences over the past couple of years.

When the elevator dinged, signaling our arrival at the 52nd floor, Natasha let me get off first, and we both made our way to the place where the Sokovia Accords were first announced to us. Now however, I matured and was ready to stand up for myself.

Natasha and I made eye contact and took deep breaths before opening the doors, entering a room where everyone else already seemed to be ready.

We sat at the last 2 remaining seats and Fury turned around to begin his debrief. "Several years ago, HYDRA's infiltration of SHIELD stripped me of nearly all of my power. The jurisdiction of you all, the Avengers, fell out of my hands, and the world became afraid of what would happen without any oversight. Thus, the Sokovian Accords-"

"We don't need a fucking history lesson, Fury," Tony spat out.

While no one said anything, we all internally agreed with him.

"Well Stark, no one asked for your opinion. As I was saying, the Sokovian Accords split you all apart. Well, let me be the first to inform you all that they have been terminated in the face of a new issue. For those who refused the accords and sided with ol' Cap here, your records have been wiped clean," Fury said as cryptically as ever.

I was free; no more running, and hopefully, I didn't have to constantly check over my shoulder as often. I felt a massive weight fall off my shoulders, but I still reserved celebration, because with Nick Fury there was always a catch.

"You all are probably wondering 'Why now?'. If you haven't, then keep up. I mentioned that there is a new issue, a new enemy." Pointing to the screen behind him, Fury referenced stats which showed that over 500 tons of vibranium were missing from Wakanda. Of course, I already knew since Fury told Cap, who told me, but it was clear that everyone else didn't. "I don't need to remind you what Ultron did with a quarter of this much vibranium. The Wakandan officials have officially gone off the rails, and they are threatening war on the whole fucking world. All of the info we have on the alleged thieves and their whereabouts are included in the packets in front of you. Now it's your job to fix it," Fury said threateningly, before walking out of the conference room, and quite literally disappearing.

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