3: My Questions Have Questions

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Hello everyone! This is unfortunately the last chapter I have pre-written, and honestly it takes me soooo long to write because I suck as it tbh. Anyways, pleaaaseeeee vote for this story!! Also, please tell me what you think so far, because it's really hard to write without feedback. Again, please VOTE! And onto the story!


Wanda fell asleep and eventually curled onto my chest, snuggling into my neck. She seemed absolutely exhausted, so I placed her in my bedroom since it's not like I was going to be using it anyways.

I went to my office to get some work done since I didn't have anything else to do, and I had a lot on my plate.

First, I called an online meeting with my close friends, the only people that I trusted on this floating rock: The Mikaelsons, Marcel, Rose, Timothee, and Genevieve.

The Mikaelsons were the only other Originals besides my family. Because of that, Klaus, Rebecca, and I became very close, as there's not too much else that has lasted as long as we have. Elijah was too caught up in his morals, Kol and Finn were daggered for too long, and I wasn't very close with Freya. Personally, I didn't like either of their parents, but that wasn't really my place to say anything. I met Marcel through Klaus, and he was like a nephew to me.

As for Rose, Timothee, and Genevive, they were my closest friends growing up, and I eventually turned them myself.

You may have noticed that I have no remaining family. My father, who was a werewolf and a vampire, was killed over a century ago by Klaus's father, which led me to kill him. It devastated my mother, who was a witch and a vampire, and led her to become a ripper through the first and second world wars. When word of her carnage spread, a coven of surviving Salem witches killed her, and tried to get me too. Needless to say, I survived and they didn't.

"Hi everyone, just something quick today. Klaus, did you get all of the white oak from Mystic Falls?"

"Obviously. Those teenagers are getting quite annoying though if I'm being completely honest, and we can't even kill them because of the Bennet witch and I need the doppelganger blood," Klaus said exasperated.

We continued conversing and catching up on everything that's happened in the last week. New developments in the vampire community with Lucien were getting concerning, but Marcel assured us that he would protect us from him. I heard of Lucien's fatal bite, but perhaps it wouldn't affect me since I was a tribrid. We planned on meeting in New Orleans in a couple of months.

After two hours, we all hung up and went our separate ways. I still had to work on getting Vibranium for the Vipers, which was my pride and joy. I started laying the foundation for this gang in the 1800's. As New York rapidly industrialized, I saw it as a perfect opportunity to take control of the turmoil. Fast forward to the present, and the Vipers have become the single most powerful entity in New York.

My priority at the moment was to get a decent amount of vibranium to produce weapons for the Vipers.

However, I first wanted to know more about Wanda. I called Rose to do a background check and find out everything she could, making sure to provide her with all the information that I had gathered on the girl.

At about 8AM, I got a call from Ulysses Klaue who had run out of vibranium due to his business with Ultron, but he was able to provide me with another dealer who could get me the metal in bulk; Erik Killmonger. Apparently, Erik was the cousin of the Wakandan king, and everyone thought him to be dead. He was willing to give a large supply of vibranium to anyone who was willing to offer him protection. That seemed quite the fair deal, so I told Klaue to tell Erik to contact me as soon as possible.

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