12: Surprise!

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A/N: Happy labor day!! 🇺🇸 I honestly fucking hate this chapter, but I feel like I haven't published anything in a long while, so I'm putting it out anyways 😭. The only reason why I had time to write this is because I have a four day weekend this week, so next week's chapter might not be out until much later in the week. Anyways, enjoyyyyyy!!! ❤️


A few days had passed since Wanda and Y/N's time together in the countryside. Whilst Wanda was busy once more training with the Avengers team, Y/N was working away, planning her new passion project and also a surprise for Wanda's birthday.

When Wanda first arrived at the tower, the rest of the Avengers chastised her for disappearing for so long. Natasha on the other hand was relentless in her questioning of Wanda's whereabouts; although concealed well, almost nothing slipped past the Russian spy, so Wanda's slight limp and covered hickeys were easily noticed by Natasha.

The Avengers were all sat in the lounge area, taking a break from Project V, which had barely yielded any results. The tension was relieved slightly after the past week of working together again, mending together like the past couple of years hadn't even happened.

FRIDAY spoke up quite suddenly, startling all of the Avengers. "An urgent broadcast is airing; would you like me to display it on the screens, Mr. Stark?" the AI asked.

"Yes please, FRIDAY," Tony said.

An international emergency crisis broadcast was put across the screens in the lounge room. A female reporter was being voiced over by an American translator for those who did not speak French, "As seen behind me, the Eiffel tower has mysteriously disappeared, and the statue of this mysterious figure, which is going by the name 'Deathbringer' has replaced it. The bodies of the night guards were found just a couple of minutes ago, hanging from the trees surrounding the invaluable landmark, leading experts to look into the motives of those responsible. The large plaque adorning the bottom of the statue reads, word for word, 'Your leader has risen from the shadows,' along with the name of the figure. Authorities are questioning whether this is the rise of a new dictator, or perhaps a passive threat. More coming soon," she said. The reporter continued to explain the rigorous processes that the local administrations were participating in, and other irrelevant news in an attempt to calm the public.

However, what really caught the Avengers' attention was the masked figure that the statue represented; the person that they'd been looking tirelessly for and that had whooped their asses at the Metal Fist compound stood staring right back at them, in the form of a 1000 foot tall statue.

Long after the screens had turned off, the team remained silent, trying to process whatever had just happened. However, they weren't left to ponder for too long before a very upset Nick Fury burst into the lounge room in the Avengers Tower.

"Humiliating! This looks absolutely horrible. It wasn't even a blindside, you all knew the urgency of this issue and couldn't even give me the fucking name of the person behind this mask! If you guys don't stop this person before they make their next move, they might as well have already won. Get to work!" He yelled.

Needless to say, the rest of the day was spent rigorously working on the game plan; the Avengers would not be humiliated, they would come out on top like they always did.


Everything could not have gone more perfectly. I had the Eiffel tower, and France had me: well, a representation of me.

40 vampires, all from my sire line, worked to pull it off. The tower was brought by some of the vampires all the way back to New York, where it now resided in my newly constructed underground facility under the main Viper warehouse. The other vampires moved my statue in its place. Speed was the largest issue, as remaining in the same place for too long with either the tower or the statue would gain too much attention, so the vampires assigned were the fastest ones I had, and sped the units around.

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