14: Yes Daddy <3

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A/N: Promises are promises. Mainly smut (I switched POVs a lot, tell me if you'd rather have it different). That's it. Vote for more nasty shit. ❤️


A few minutes ago, new news reports came in that the Eiffel tower was, in fact, right where it was supposed to be and that its mysterious change to the statue of Deathbringer was simply an optical illusion set up with projectors.

It sounded like a load of shit, but there was no other explanation.

Just as the team was thinking it over, I got a terse text from Wanda saying not to wait up for her, because she'd be gone for a while. Probably getting railed.

The fact that no one else on the team had noticed anything yet was greatly puzzling to me, but they were all too stressed and in their own worlds to pay attention to the people around them.

My time away from everyone after the Sokovian Accords helped me to realize that I was better alone; Bruce, nor any man that I knew could satisfy me the way I needed anyways.

Maybe if I had a boyfriend like Wanda's I'd actually be content; I mean the girl couldn't even fucking walk in a straight line when she came back last time.

For the rest of us, we were to continue in our pursuit of the ever-elusive Deathbringer, and rest nor leisure would come for the foreseeable future.


I raced back to my penthouse knowing that Wanda was waiting for me in my bedroom.

The sight that greeted me when I practically ripped the door down did not disappoint. Wanda lay spread out in the middle of the bed, knuckle deep within her hole.

My mouth watered at the sight, but I could tell that she was having trouble bringing herself over the edge. Her eyes were lightly shut and her lips were sealed, focusing on pleasuring herself.

I immediately stripped myself of any material clothing and brought myself to the edge of the bed. Wanda hadn't quite registered my presence yet, and I watched for a little as she huffed in frustration as she failed to sate herself.

I made my presence known when I crawled on top of her and grabbed her wrist, yanking her fingers out of herself. A pitiful whine followed, and she looked surprised to see me.

"I never said that you could touch yourself, darling." I said as I landed a light smack to her core. "This pussy is all mine, and I don't want to see anyone touching it but me, do you understand Wanda?"

"Ah- yes Daddy," Wanda panted.

I spread her thighs out, opening her up so that her center was now open to me. Removing one of my hands from her thighs, I brought my thumb through her folds and coated it in her slick.

She squirmed as I applied featherlight pressure to her slit and bead, and as much as I wanted to hear Wanda beg tonight, it was her birthday so I would give her whatever she wanted.

She was already quite open and ready, probably from touching herself while I was gone, so I immediately penetrated her with two fingers. This drew out a light shriek, and I watched Wanda's head snap upwards at the feeling of being filled so suddenly.

As I pistoned inside of her, I changed the angle of each thrust ever so slightly, trying to find the spot that would set her off and I knew that I had succeeded once her moans became more audible.

I felt my erection growing within my boxers, straining against the material, but ignored it for the time being knowing that I would soon get my own release.

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