8: A Getaway Part 1

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A/N: Hey readers! If you've made it this far, thank you for continuing to read! Since school is starting, I'm thinking I'll do 1-2 updates per week if possible, but if for some reason I can't, I'll address it later. Thank you for all of the reads and votes! This chapter was going to be suuupppeerr long, so I just decided to cut it off and make it 2 parts. However, I can say that for the next chapter, you horny little freaks will get a little something 😉. Anyways, please remember to VOTE! I do go through all of my notifs, and I can see everyone who voted, and some of you all went batshit crazy and voted on all 7 parts so far 😱😱 so thank you! Anyways, onto the story, please enjoy!


After the events of the Metal Fist raid, I realized how lonely and bored I was. Sure, I had some friends, but I hadn't dated anyone since moving back to America, and I could feel myself craving that kind of human connection.

And most importantly, I realized that I missed Wanda; all it took was a week for me to start longing for the little witch. Every time I thought about her, I felt a slight tug in my heart, so after a few days of drowning myself in work, which decidedly didn't help, I texted the phone that I gave to Wanda, requesting that she go to a car that I would send to the Avengers tower that night.

I planned to take her to the New York countryside, where I had a large plot of land, which was very immersed in the surrounding nature.

I just hoped that the connection that I felt for her wasn't one-sided, and that she would agree to come tonight.

In the meantime, however, I decided to set up something to entertain myself, and my new willingness to become more public would play perfectly into my new plan.


The Avengers had been working our asses off for the past week trying to get information on the mysterious group of people who had slaughtered the Metal Fist, which Sam coined 'Mission Dracula'. Quite frankly, that sounded ridiculous, so Tony changed it to Project V, which stood for Project Vampire. Sam stuck with his name.

Tony and Bruce started doing research on vampires and the supernatural, including the mysterious town of Mystic Falls which Timothee had been spotted in two centuries ago. It was almost incomprehensible to think about the fact that there were beings older than Steve and Bucky.

Mystic Falls had several reports of 'animal attacks', which was apparently the town's attempt at covering up supernatural activity in the area. Not surprisingly, everyone went along with the narrative and the law enforcement continued to spew lies to the public.

The fact that this has been going on for longer than our records dated is baffling, and not even SHIELD had the slightest clue as to the existence of vampires or anything of the sort.

We still didn't have much information other than that vampires could only be killed with a stake to the heart, a ripped out heart, decapitation, or being burned. It was very difficult to tell fact from fiction, but we quickly ruled out garlic because that seemed ridiculous. Also, magic could reportedly be used to kill a vampire, so theoretically, I could kill a vampire. But Tony also pulled up resources pointing to ancestral and dark magic, which I knew absolutely nothing about. The fact that other witches excited me greatly, but according to the team, they were currently the enemy, so I didn't dive into that.

The week drained me, and I was in dire need of a break. Natasha and I had been going around the city, apprehending local gang members to see if they knew anything about our current dilemmas, but we came up with absolutely nothing.

I was taking a break to grab a snack, since we haven't really had time for full meals as of late. Just as I sat down, I felt a slight vibration from my new iPhone.

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