7: Change

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A/N: Hello readers! This chapter isn't too long, but after the insane support I got on the last chapter, I knew that I had to get this one as soon as I could! *WE REACHED #1 IN THE ELIZABETHOLSEN TAG!* That is just so fucking insane, I can't thank you guys enough, and I really hope that you enjoy the story. Thank you for your continuing support, and please remember to vote! Anyways, this chapter is just setting up the rest of the plot and the chaos that is coming. I won't say anything else, so onto the story! 😘😌🤌🏼


The return to the Avengers tower was certainly not one of celebration. Everyone adopted a defeated demeanor, and even Cap was out of words of inspiration.


We were quite confident going to the Metal Fist base; we planned on striking at midnight, when less of their members would be awake and mobilized. It was supposed to be a quick, easy battle wherein we'd arrest most of the lunatics, send them for evaluation at SHIELD with Fury, and return the vibranium to Wakanda.

To say we were shocked when we saw thousands of bodies piled on top of each other was an understatement. Their brutal deaths were made apparent by their mauled flesh, and then to top it all off, they were set ablaze; perhaps looking at the remaining ash was better than seeing what was left of their bodies.

When we got ahold of our senses again, we realized that three people remained, and were probably the people who spearheaded this... massacre. From our comms, Cap and Tony decided that we should at least take these three people back to base for interrogation. Needless to say, we underestimated the task at hand, yet again.

Steve started by throwing his shield at the male of the group, but when he simply grabbed the shield and tossed it back at Cap at a speed that even the supersoldier couldn't handle, it was made apparent that we weren't battling normal humans.

A lengthy battle ensued, and whenever we thought that we had the upper hand, the other 3 people would prove otherwise. They seemed to get bored at one point, and started to move faster than I could comprehend; living with Pietro for so long, I had started to get used to incredible speeds, but these individuals were even faster than him. Not only were they faster, but they were stronger, and repeatedly outsmarted us.

And then, when Clint started landing his shots, the others simply plucked the arrows from their flesh and then moved on as if nothing happened. Not fucking super healing too. As we battled, we heard Tony tell Clint to start using wooden arrows.

I was engrossed in my battle with the male member of the three individuals. I was actually handling my own when I felt someone grab me from behind. She had a strong hold on my arms, and when I tried to get into her mind, she snarled? and long canines emerged from her teeth. She was about to bite into my neck when someone yelled to stand down, and the woman who was about to bite into me immediately retreated. I couldn't help but feel a certain familiarity with the sudden intrusion of an authoritative booming voice, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

I could have sworn that the temperature dropped when the masked individual made themselves known, not the slightest bit phased by all of the Avengers ready to attack them. When I tried to get inside their head, I was met with an impenetrable wall that eventually forced me out. They sent a very clear message when they effortlessly ripped some of Clint's fingers off and dropped him in front of us, leaving with the other 3 so fast that none of us could comprehend what had happened.


Getting off the quinjet, no words were exchanged between us, and we were all ready to retire to our rooms, too exhausted to file our mission reports. However, Fury had other plans. He stood waiting by the landing area and motioned for us to follow him.

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