11: A Getaway Part 4

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A/N: Hey guyyyysss, happy September! Time is absolutely flying! Quick update on life, school fucking sucks. Like actually, it's so goddamn stressful that I constantly feel like screaming or punching a wall, and the pressure to do well is so insane. I actually just took my SAT, and I feel like I'll disappoint everyone if I don't get at least 1580, which just added to my stress a shit ton because that's like actually impossible. I hope that you all can understand that I don't have as much time to write anymore, but that I WILL continue to post chapters as consistently as possible. If you enjoy this chapter, please do vote. Thanks for 500 votes, that's a lotttttttttttt. This will be the last chapter in the Getaway part, and I believe I promised some of you nasties some more smut. 👀 Anyways, back to the story we go. *smut warning


When we rode back to the estate, it was well past noon, almost into the evening. Wanda and I decided that she would go back first thing tomorrow morning; I would go a little later, since I had to make sure that the staff returned and had everything in order.

The ride back was without conversation, but it was far from silent with the sound of the breeze ruffling the leaves of the surrounding trees, and the birds chirping and calling to one another.

When we arrived back at the stables, I helped Wanda off the horse and led the horses back to their stalls after taking their gear off.

While Wanda was standing outside of the stables, looking at the surrounding forest, I snuck up behind her and threw her over my shoulder, carrying her with my left arm whilst I ran back towards my house. She let out an ear-piercing shriek, and I couldn't help but to laugh heartily at her reaction.

"Y/N put me down! I will not hesitate to throw you across the garden!" she said, but I knew that it was an empty threat... or so I thought. She continued to smack my back to get me to put her down, but I continued running, so she resorted to slapping my ass, which I admit did hinder my movements. I simply started running faster, and once we were almost through the garden and close to the house, she used her red tendrils to launch me back to the other side of the garden; however, I kept my hold on her, so she came flying with me too.

"Nonononono, don't bring me with you!!" she screamed, but I moved her to my chest so that I would take the brunt of the impact.

"That's what you get darling!" I said right before we crashed in the bushes.

I decided to play a small prank on her and act like I passed out.

"Y/N? Baby!?" She took my face in her hands and started to shake me a little bit. At this point, it was almost impossible to keep a straight face. "Y/N, please wake up I'm so sorry!" She tried to feel around for my pulse, but I guess that made the prank a hundred times worse since vampires hearts beat very seldomly, making it seem like we have no pulse.

"Oh shit!" Wanda said, before doing chest compressions. "What the fuck is wrong!" she exclaimed, as the CPR clearly wasn't working.


I started to panic as I couldn't feel Y/N's pulse, and she was completely passed out. I don't get how that impact could have knocked her out and got her to stop breathing.

Just as I was about to do mouth-to-mouth, Y/N met me halfway and I was too shocked to respond to her kiss. When she pulled away, she started laughing boisterously, falling back onto the grass in uncontrollable laughter.

All the while, I was frozen in shock. When I finally comprehended what happened, I was furious that she'd play such a cruel joke, so I scoffed and walked into the estate, slamming the door behind me.

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