15: Into the Unknown

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A/N: Hello all! If you're still reading this far into the book, then thank you! I'm really sorry about the long break that I took, but as I mentioned in the convo tab, I injured both of my legs somehow, so I may have to get surgery which will take me out for a while. Also, just wanted to say that it was unusually quiet last chapter during the smut 😭🧐🤨 Sorry if there's mistakes, but I just finished writing this and I want to go to sleep, so I will not be proofreading it. But anyways, enjoy! 💞


As soon as Wanda fell asleep, I resigned myself back to the office. I couldn't stand the idea of hurting her, and even as she slept, I could feel myself being drawn to her pulse point; the sounds of her heart pushing her fresh blood through her veins, and the smell of her pheromones drove me up a wall.

But I couldn't do that to her, especially since she just learned about my conditions, and she didn't even know half of it.

Seeing as I did not have much to do, I resigned myself to work. I held a short call with Rose, who updated me with everything I had missed in the last few hours. One of our undercover vampires in SHIELD had discovered that they were looking into the Vipers after the Avengers flagged Timothee on their Most Wanted list. Luckily, they said that they would handle the issue, so I trusted them to do so before the problem escalated. Everything else was running surprisingly smoothly, with no local disputes and business thriving.

It appeared that my little stunt in Paris worked quite well; although the world brushed it off as a prank, the supernatural community took warning in it. I heard rumors of Deathbringer 'looking to take over the world' or 'settle old disputes by wiping out entire covens'. Some of the shit that was going around was ridiculous, but on the other hand, some of it was not so far off.

Anyhow, Elijah called me to scold me about potentially exposing our species to the world, and also to give me his usual lecture about the moral duties of holding power; I didn't listen to any of it.

Niklaus on the other hand could not get enough of it and endlessly offered praise for my course of action. He told me of his problems with Marcel and Davina Claire, and I had to respect their guts to disobey someone as powerful as Klaus. We made plans to meet up later in the year.

Before I knew it, several hours had passed and it was 6AM. Reluctantly, I woke Wanda up because she needed to get ready to go back to the Avengers tower.

"Good morning darling, it's time to wake up," I said quietly while Wanda slowly awoke.

"5 more minutes," she mumbled, burying her face deeper into the pillow.

"Okay, please come downstairs after," I said, leaving her there although I knew that she'd likely take much longer than 5 minutes.

I decided to just make some eggs sunny side up with bacon and quinoa. Just as I plated everything, Wanda came down the stairs, already changed and with her hair brushed.

I smiled as she walked up to me and wrapped her small arms around my middle. "G'morning" I heard mumbled into my chest.

"Morning Wands, go and eat breakfast," I told her as she refused to let go of me. So, I sighed and tapped the back of her thighs causing her to jump and wrap her legs around my waist. I hoisted her up slightly by holding her under her thighs, so that she was face-to-face with me.

"I love you," I told her.

A bright smile showed on her face before she pecked my lips and said "I love you too baby."

We ate breakfast, after she forced fed me a piece of bacon, insisting that even if I didn't need to eat normal food, that it was still important.

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