10: A Getaway Part 3

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A/N: Hey everyonnneee :D. So I'm thinking that this "getaway" part will be 5 chapters long, I haven't really decided yet. However, hope you're enjoying this (and that you touched some grass after that last chapter). Here's some good ol' fluff for you all, which was very much needed. I'm going to try and add more photos from now on, because hopefully it will help you to envision what I did when writing this. Also, I'm still taking suggestions, so either comment them or pm me. For future reference, chapters will be coming out slower because of school, so check the conversations tab in my profile for any updates that I have for you all. Anyways, remember to vote and enjoy!! (PS I just finished writing this chapter and I wanted to get it out ASAP so it's not proofread: if you see mistakes please comment and I'll fix it)


I woke up about 2 hours after falling asleep, and felt completely refreshed. I felt Wanda's slow, but deep breaths on my neck and her legs intertwined with mine. In our sleep, Wanda and I changed positions, with me laying on my back, and her practically on top of me. I got the sudden urge to pierce Wanda's pulse point and drink from her, as the long expanse of her neck, marked from the previous night, was open and barren right in front of me.

Ignoring the urge, I moved her arms and legs off of me carefully and went over to the kitchen to get some sustenance. She made slight grumbles of disapproval in her sleep, so I tucked her in the sheets to keep her as warm as possible. Diana was no longer here, since it was the early hours of the morning. The kitchen had three fridges: one for meat, one for dairy/vegetables/etc, and one for blood. The last one was padlocked, so I put in the passcode, which was the death date of my father. Looking at my options, I saw some fresh O-negative, which was by far the best, with any type of animal blood being the worst- I didn't drink animal blood because it wasn't as strong and quelled my cravings only for a short period of time.

I downed four bags and then called Genevive to make sure that everything was going fine at home.

She answered after just two rings. "I'm surprised your control-freak ass didn't call sooner."

"Haha, how's everything going?" I asked.

"Perfectly. I'm pretty sure I'm better at leading this syndicate than you, in fact. Maybe you should retire, you are really old after all," she quipped.

"Hey! I'm only a couple of years older than you. Also, how's the project progressing?"

"Just like Erik promised, the extra 50 tons of vibranium was included, and it's been shipped off to the factory already. The sculptors have begun working with it, but it has proven to be especially difficult since the Dragonite tools we have to shape the vibranium are in short supply," she relayed.

"Great, I want it done by the end of the month," I told her.

"Of course, you know I get things the fastest. How's it going with the Maximoff girl?" Genevive asked. I had told her, Timothee, and Rose about my plans with Wanda after the battle with the Avengers, because they had become suspicious after I stopped the battle that they were clearly winning. Since then, the teasing was relentless.

"Hmm, she's honestly amazing Gen, everything about her is perfect. I... I'd do anything to protect her," I admitted.

"Pussy whipped," Genevive whispered, but I heard it anyways and wished that we were talking in person so that I could snap her neck.

"Whatever Genevive, just get my shit done," I said, hanging up before she could retort.

I had a full day planned for Wanda and I, but it was still only 4AM, and I didn't expect her to be awake for many more hours. I sent all of the staff back to their quarters in the building across the property for today, since I wanted privacy with my girlfriend.

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