5: Rising Tensions

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A/N: Hey guys! Just got back from TN, so I finally have time to write!! Chaps may slow down now that I have to do summer homework, but I will still continue to write. A quick thanks to everyone that has voted and especially those who have commented. Special thanks to ToriDizon BeginsWithASmile @welponkurt and CW-Flash Anyways, please enjoy and remember to leave your thoughts below and vote!!


    I woke up from one of the best sleeps I've ever had, if not the best ever. The sheets around me were cold, meaning that Y/N had left a while ago. The sun was shining through the windows, as the curtains were wide open. I moved to get out of bed, languidly stretching until I felt everything tense, and then release. I used the toothbrush that I bought yesterday, and brushed my hair, trying to look presentable.

    When I went downstairs I heard... classical music!? Sure enough, Y/N was in the kitchen, cooking something that smelled absolutely wonderful and humming to classical music. I had no idea what the song was, but I would listen to it endlessly as long as she was humming to it.

    "You know, maybe you should join me instead of staring at me from over there, darling," Y/N said, startling me.

    "How'd you know I was there?" I asked exasperated. She just chuckled and motioned for me to come over to her. She picked up the wooden spoon with some sauce on it from the stove pot and looked at me expectantly to taste some. I licked it cautiously before accidentally letting amoan out at how delicious it tasted. I felt myself redden instantly and she cracked a crooked smile.

    "So I take it that it tastes good," she said teasingly.

    "No, it tasted horrible," I said, rolling my eyes. And then, faster than I could comprehend, Y/N was towering over me, pushing me against the counter and I felt my pulse quicken to an alarmingly fast pace. Her hand gently stroked my cheek, which was a stark contrast to her firm hold on me against the counter. Y/N's strength surprised me, moving me as if I weighed absolutely nothing; and that's something considering I've fought supersoldiers, the Black Widow, a God, and a metal man. Her eyes burned into me, caring but they also held a contained fire that I hadn't seen before.

    "It's not good for girls like you to roll their eyes like that, darling. Only bad girls do that, and you're a good girl, aren't you," Y/N stated slowly and calmly. I felt a shiver course throughout my whole body and a pool of wetness to form in the boxers Y/N had given me. Before I could respond, she planted a featherlight kiss on my forehead while racing behind me and grabbing the plates, which had everything except for the hollandaise sauce on them. I heard the clink of the plates on the island when Y/N's voice shook me from my stupor.

    "Come and eat darling," Y/N said and although I was still slightly dazed, the food smelled absolutely wonderful. It was insane how she could switch from sweet and caring to calculating and conniving so quickly. When she saw that I wasn't eating, she cut me a piece of the eggs benedict from my plate and fed it to me. This continued until both of us had finished our breakfast, and she quickly washed the plates and then placed them in the dishwasher.

    When she walked back to me, she held both of my hands and looked directly into my eyes with a tenderness that made me feel warm and giddy inside. "I think you should get ready, don't you?" Y/N said softly.

    My heart dropped remembering the decision that I made yesterday. "I don't want to, though," I said, not making eye contact anymore.

    "Hey, look at me," Y/N said. After I didn't, she let out a small sigh and pulled my chin up with her hand. "The Avengers tower is no more than a 20 minute drive from here. You said that you felt an obligation to go, and I'm in no position to hold you from doing just that. You know where my penthouse is, and I took that liberty of buying you an actual phone, an iPhone to be exact, and it has a secure line to me, so you can text whenever you need something. Anything, actually. Even if you want to talk about Pietro, or how annoying Tony Stark is," she said with a small smile.

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