13: Reality Check

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A/N: Hey guys! How we feelin' about the chapter being released a couple of days early?? Just how bad has Y/N fucked up? I guess we'll see in a bit. Also, this chapter will detail more of Y/N's background! Readers have asked for more smut, so you'll get your fair share in the next chapter, but here's some plot so this doesn't become PWP. I also got my SAT scores back, and of course, they were shit. I'm really sorry, but I didn't have the energy to proofread, but I really hope there aren't many mistakes. Anyways, enjoy! 😀


I was sort of in shock so it took some time for me to register what was happening. When I turned around, Y/N was already looking at me with excitement in her eyes. I grabbed her face and pulled her in for a gentle kiss.

Before it could escalate any further, however, I pulled back and landed a firm slap on her left cheek.

"Ow! What the hell was that for!" she said while rubbing her face.

"That, Y/N was for lying to me for so long!" I yelled back. Then, in the same fashion, I landed another one on her other cheek.

"Wanda, what the fuck! What was that one for!?" she said incredulously.

"That one was for stealing the fucking Eiffel Tower! This is not kindergarten, Y/N. You can't just take whatever you want," I said.

"I may have taken something, but I put something even better in its place!" she reasoned, but she was being a complete idiot.

"You have the Avengers on your back for the vibranium already, I don't think that you want the international governments involved too," I said trying to get her to see how insanely ignorant she was being.

"Fine, what do you want me to do, return it?" she asked.

"Yes," I said dryly.

She pursed her lips in thought before conceding. "Fine, but let's enjoy it for tonight, and we can convince everyone that it was an illusion with projectors or something. You're right that the authorities are getting quite annoying."

"That's fair, and for the record this conversation is not over, but let's go, I've never gotten to visit the Eiffel tower before!" I said while pulling her towards the massive monument in front of us.

The night proceeded well, and we ate a nice candlelit dinner on the top of the tower. Conversation flowed easy as usual, and she even let me talk about every single birthday I've had with Pietro so far.

"Happy 18th birthday, Wanda. I guess the gift was a little bit impractical, but I guess I wanted to choose something that could stand to compare to your breathtaking self. But perhaps I was the lucky one; we haven't quite spoken about it, but I am eternally grateful that you've chosen to remain with me despite... what I am." she said with her voice shaking with uncertainty.

I moved across the table and straddled her lap, cuddling into her chest. "I have to admit, the gift is nice, but for the record, this is way over the top. You trying to become Gru from Despicable Me?" I whispered with some humor laced into my tone. She let out a slight chuckle and lifted my chin up from her neck so that our eyes met.

"I guess I just wanted to get you the best gift that this world has to offer, but perhaps I was thinking too... materialistic" she said.

I saw a moment of realization go off in her head, and I was slightly confused. She grabbed my hands and pushed them to her temples. "Look" was all she said.

I was quite confused until what she meant dawned on me; she was willing to let me into her mind and see her past.

"I've lived far too long to tell you about everything about myself, but that doesn't mean that you can't see for yourself. You already know about my vampirism, but there's a lot more that I don't think I can explain or iterate," she said.

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