Bus trip

80 3 9

So in this chap I will write the POVs in another way to see which kind of writing I think is better :)) so don't blame if I change it again next chap. And I didn't reread it yet to correct and stuff...

: 。・゜・recap・゜・。
"cute" Kageyama let slip.

"yeah I know I am. I must add your not that bad yourself." The smaller boy grinned. He couldn't lose the chance to tease the now very embarrassed alpha.

Hinata considered the silence a victory and slowly let his eyelids shut, feeling once more complete and happy in the other boy's arms.
: 。・゜・end of recap・゜・。

- saturday-
Kageyama's pov:

The next morning I slowly started to open my eyes. I could tell it was pretty early since the the sun was still rising and the once dark room was only starting to gain light and colors. Then I realized:

'Hmpf. Fluffy. Wait. Fluffy?'

I looked down to see my hand interlocked in orange hair. It was fluffy and smelled like tangerines.


I blushed deeply realizing that we cuddled each other to sleep. The ginger boy still had his face buried in my chest and an arm wrapped around my waist. I had one arm wrapped around him and the other one playing with his hair.

'We are still in the position we fell asleep in... we didn't even move! I have to admit it had been years since I slept that well. And I am not a touchy person so it's quite a wonder I didn't push him away in my sleep...'

I continued to stare down at the cute little boy peacefully sleeping in my arms. I really didn't want to wake him up and it was still early so I just continued to study his face and enjoy the moment for good 30 minutes until he started moving.

Hinata's POV
I woke up feeling soooo warm and happyyy. I didn't know why since I was still very sleepy but I felt incredibly safe. I tried to scoot closer to whatever was there after recognizing that that was what was making me feel that way. Then

'Hold up. What is this thing next to me... KAGEYAMA!'

I shot my eyes open when I remembered last night. Only to meet the most calming blue eyes that were, to my surprise, staring at me.

'This view. He is so handsome and makes me feel so bubbly and happy and protected and and and- lots of thing I don't understand!'

"E-ehm good morning!" I said.

"Good Morning" the tall alpha replied with a still kind of grumpy voice and smiled softly. "It's a little early you can go back to sleep if you want."

'I am not even that tired anymore but I want to stay close to him a little longer...'

"Okay." I said and smiled slightly while I closing my eyes and getting my head back to its initial position. Of course I purred when he ran his hand through my hair but ITS NOT MY FAULT and by now, me purring has become something normal so whatever!

After some time both bof us woke up, had breakfast and got ready. Then we went to the park and played volleyball. We also got some ice cream since it was really hot outside before parting ways.

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