1. You were right after all

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A/N: Hi there! This is my first fanfic here, and to be honest, I haven't been writing for a while.. Used to write a lot for fun just for myself but now I thought that might share as well. Anyway, this is a totally different type of fanfic I am used to write so let's see how this all turns out. English is not my first language so please don't be too harsh on me. Also, this first chapter is just a warm up for upcoming ;) Hope you like this and let me know what you think! 


I opened my door to Joel who was soaking wet from the sudden rain.

"So, it started to rain?" I asked and looked the tall, slender man whose hair was tied up in a messy bun.

"Yeah no, I just thought it would be great idea to pour a bucketful of ice cold water over myself to see if this was just a fucking nightmare or not" he said kinda ironic but kind of pissed tone. I knew he was not really in a mood of stupid jokes and I just sighed. I could see he was tired, pissed and depressed and I knew that I should just shut my mouth and let him be him. I knew him too well. We were together for five years after all but broke up three years ago remaining close friends. We figured that being just friends worked better for us so it was easy to just end our relationship there. But we'd still spend a lot of time together, too much occasionally, and we were each others go-to persons when ever there was a bad day, bad relationship or bad life in general. We both tried to move on and pursue to happiness with some other people but when ever there was red flags in his or my relationships, we'd help each other out from them. I still felt likeI needed to protect him from being used by some too eager fan girls but if he caught some feelings with someone, I didn't mind, as long as it wasn't going to end badly for him.

"So..How was work today?" I asked and threw Joel a towel so he could dry his hair and face.

"Tiring..I'm just so fucking tired..." He said and sat on sofa. I went to kitchen and took out two bottles of beer. After opening them I gave one to Joel and sat next to him.

"Is there anything else you want to talk about?" I asked. Knowing him for over 10 years I could easily see when he was not in a good state of mind. Joel took a sip form the beer and looked out from the window. The look was just empty. Like there was no life behind his eyes and he was just staring into some black hole that sucked in everything from him.

"Joel?" I asked again trying to get his attention but there was no change in his face.

"Hokka" I said a bit louder finally getting some reaction from him. He looked me and then back the window.

"What happened?" I asked and sat on the table in front of him because that seemed to be the only direction he was looking.

"You were right after all..." He said quietly and then moved his empty gaze at me.

"Fuck.."I sighed and looked down. I had noticed Joel being so tense, angry and not himself lately but I was hoping to the last minute that it was because of the busy times the band was going through, but now I found out that I had been right about his girlfriend cheating on him.

"I'm so sorry... " I whispered and lifted my eyes back on him.

"I don't know how you always notice these red flags that I just can't see... " He said and took a big sip from his beer that emptied most of the bottle.

"Well, she wasn't really doing too good job hiding it... And guess I am just so protective over you.." I said and put my hand on his knee. I hated to see him hurt. He didn't deserve it. Not like this.

"You kicked her out at least?" I asked carefully.

"Both of them" Joel said and emptied his bottle.

"Wait, what?" I asked shocked and handed him my beer, clearly he needed it more than I did.

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