18. See... Two beautiful, strong pink stripes..

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A/N: This part is entirely a back story


It was the end of January 2015. The end of the last year and the beginning of the new year had been quite peaceful for the band. They all got to spend the Christmas and new year's eve at home and I really loved the fact. We got to spend our first Christmas in our new apartment where we moved literally week before the celebrations. By the day of Christmas we managed to unpack all our stuff, literally right before both of our parents came to visit us. They always teased about us getting together in the end, and yes, in the end we did get together. It was our third Christmas together, but first with both our families and in our new home.

Week after new year's eve, I started to feel quite weird. All the scents seemed to be over powering where ever I went and I suddenly started to hate coffee. That was the first sign for me that something was off. Even Joel was worried about it knowing very well how addicted I was to it.

"Maybe I've had too much caffeine.. " I just wondered, not really thinking too much about it. Joel tried to convince me to go to see the doctor but I wasn't too eager to do that. I'd go if and when it gets worse. After another two weeks passed I started to have some nausea after waking up. At first I was a bit scared to tell to Joel about it because I had no freaking idea what he'd even think about kids in general. That topic never crossed our conversations. I just guess our dreams were more focused on fame and owning the World, than thinking about owning our own little World.

"Joel..." I stared and sat next to him on the sofa. I had to tell him. I mean, if it was what I thought it was I couldn't hide it from him much longer. Besides, there was still time to decide whether we were even ready to become parents or what are we about to do with the situation. This was a thing I had no right to decide alone.

"Yeah babe?" he asked and put his phone away. I rested my head in his lap and looked up at him.

"Umh.. I...I think I might be pregnant.." I said not breaking the eye contact. Joel's eyes got big and he then slowly moved his eyes onto my stomach, looking at it for a moment before opening his mouth.

"You mean... Someone might be in there?" he pointed my stomach, making me giggle a bit. He could be so freaking cute sometimes.

"Maybe... I still can't stand coffee, your socks smell literally way worse than they usually do and.. Last week I started to have morning sickness... I mean.. I need to take the test but the symptoms are pointing towards the obvious..." I spoke and followed his reactions. Joel was still looking me and my stomach on turns and I tried to read from his face that what he was thinking.

"Umh.. Okay... Shall we maybe take the test then?" he asked, looking way too calm about the situation. I sat up and I couldn't really get it why he was so calm. His eyes followed my movements.

"Did you hear a word what I just said?" I asked just to check that was he really following the whole conversation or did he catch only few words from what I had just said.

"I did. You said that we might be having a baby" he said it out loud and clear and smiling a bit. I blinked my eyes to digest what hejust said. He did listen. He was absolutely following the converstion.

"How... are you so calm about it.. ? I mean.. It is a human being we need to take care of... With our lifestyle..." I was still so confused. This was not the kind of reaction I was waiting at all but it looked like I had been underestimating Joel. This guy was too good to be true.

"I know... But.. We manage, right? I mean.. we have parents to help us with stuff for sure and.. I am sure you'd be a great mother.."he smiled. I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't get anything out. I was just so blown away with what he said.

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