Extra: I've been thinking

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The birthday surprise for Joel and Joonas was pretty much the best idea I've had since the beginning of the year. As we all know, my ideas might not always be the best ones, but this is, even tho it was winged up just like that after I found out that Niko's potential girlfriend was a pole dance instructor. There is something in that dance style that has been intriguing me since for ever but the lifestyle I had wasn't exactly supporting me to do something that asked me to attend somewhere on certain times of the weeks, so I usually just went to gym to keep myself in shape, mentally and physically. But it has been only good for me.

To be honest, I was scared as hell to even try something on the pole, but Miryam was so supporting that she literally made everything look so easy. And I was surprised when she told that I was a natural talent. Usually I had the talent to fuck things up but maybe I was able to pull this one out. The more we trained, the better I got and the most important for me, the more I got to know the girls and eventually we became great friends. It has been a while since I've been hanging out with someone else than the guys and just to have a simple chat with these girls really made me feel good. Especially with Miryam. She seemed to be the sweetest girl I've ever met. I loved the fact that she had her walls up when it came to relationships, which showed to me that she was not after the fame and money some of the girls have been. Getting to know her I was positive that she would be the perfect match for Niko, who was a sweet guy himself. So caring and a great listener. Sometimes I just was amazed how patient that guy really was when it came to Miryam, but he was in love and I got a plan how to help him a bit.

"Pauline..."I called the blonde girl after we had left the studio. She looked at me and put her phone away.

"Yeah?"she smiled.

"Remember when you said that we should help Mir out from her shell? I think I have an idea.. She might hate it but.." I started and unlocked my car.

"You got my attention girl" Pauline seemed to be interested.

"I know we were planning to have this thing only for Joel and Joonas but.. I think we should invite Niko too" I had a small grin on my lips. Pauline, on the other hand, painted more devilish smile on hers.

"Hell yes. Oh my god. We are gonna get so slaughtered by Miryam, but Niko has deserved it. He has been so freaking patient with her that.."
"I know right" I smiled and opened the car door.

"Let's do it" Pauline agreed to my idea and I was more than happy to do it.

"I'm home" I said after closing the door. I heard that the TV was on so Joel was probably playing something or watching something. I took off my shoes and jacket and walked to the living room where Joel indeed was playing NHL.

"Hi hun..." I carefully wrapped my hands around him form behind and leaned my head against his shoulder. Fuck I loved this. Just feeling him felt amazing.

"Hi babe" he smiled and turned his head to give me a kiss on my cheek.

"How was your whatever you were doing that I am supposed to find out anytime soon" he asked and put the game on pause. I walked around the sofa and sat into his lap, straddling him. In my head I was already picturing the lap dance and I kinda wanted to do it already.

"It went great" I smiled and wrapped my hands again around his neck. Joel placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him. It was crazy to think that after everything we had been through, this was where we ended up. This man never left my heart, no matter how hard I tried to move on. He was my first kiss, first love, first everything. And I wanted him to be my first and only husband and hopefully also a baby daddy. There was nothing more I wanted with him than our own family.

"Joel.." I whispered and swallowed. We hadn't really talked about the next steps at all. I mean, this all got so suddenly to this point but I knew what I wanted. It was time to find out was he on the same wave length with me.

"Hmm?"he asked and caressed my cheek. I pressed my head hard against his hand and moved it a bit so I could kiss his palm.

"I..umh.. I've been thinking..." I started and laughed quietly. I don't know how to say it to him.

"About what?" Joel asked and moved his hand under my chin and studied my face.

"Just that.. I'd like to.. You know.. Try again..." I wasn't sure if he got what I meant. It all sounded so much easier in my head than it was to say out loud.

"You talking about.. trying to have a baby..?" Joel asked. Of course he would understand. He wasn't stupid. I nodded carefully and let him pull my face closer to him.

"Is that something you'd be ok with..?" I asked and our noses touched, I was that close to him. I knew that this question came a bit out of the bushes now but, I was 28. I don't want to have a baby when I'm over 30. Not that the having a kid was ever something that I so badly wanted, until it happened that one time. After that I started to think about it more seriously and I came to the conclusion that I did want to have a child. I wanted to have a new chance to build my own family with Joel.

"I..." Joel started and for a moment I got a bit scared. What if he was hating the idea? The band got busier day by day and if we ended up having a kid then more likely I'd be a stay at home mom for a while before the kid is old enough to go to the daycare. But I was ready for that. I so badly wanted to have his child.

"There is nothing else in this world I want more than to have a family with you... " he whispered against my lips before pressing his against mine. To hear him saying that felt better than anything else. The kiss started to live its own life, getting deeper and hotter by each second. Eventually Joel pushed me on my back to the sofa and he crawled on top of after what his hand immediately found its place under my shirt. His touches felt always too good. It didn't matter if he was just caressing my cheek or giving me pleasure with his fingers, he took me out of this world in any case.

"Are you maybe in a mood for a shower with me...?" Joel mumbled against my neck, kissing it up and down, before moving his lips back to against mine. I chuckled and looked him into eyes.

"I kinda already took a shower back at the gym.." I said and pushed my hands into his jean's back-pockets. Only that I never went to gym but I couldn't say him that I was doing pole dance the whole evening.

"So what.. ? We could, you know..." the man smiled and attacked my neck again.

"Practice a bit.. " he kissed his way to the edge of my shirt before gently biting my skin. He was in a mood and I could feel it from the pressure he pushed his hips against mine.

"Don't we already know how that thing works?" I teased Joel. I was not gonna let him have me this easily tonight because just in few days I was gonna freaking lap dance for him and if that is not easy then I don't know what is. So if he wanted me tonight, he had to work it up a bit.

"Yeah but.." Joel started to pull my over sized t-shirt off from my shoulders and trailed his lips to the revealed skin.

"Making a baby is a bit different.." he smiled against my shoulder while his hands were moving dangerously close to my boobs.

"How?"I laughed. Joel moved his face back to mine wearing a lovely smile on his lips.

"They are made with extra care..." And he got me with that sentence.

A/N: Soooo...  Ro has not only one mission but two :D And omg I can't.. these two..

Thank you so much for the feedback I got from the previous chapter! It was a bit difficult to write because I wasn't entirely sure how in which direction I should go, but I guess it was ok :D Few more extra chapters on the way also! ♥♥♥

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