9. Fucking mind games with you...

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This time I woke up before Aleksi. Seeing him sleep peacefully was really cute view so I spent few minutes just looking at him before standing up and going to shower. The warm water hit my body like Aleksi's kisses and I found myself thinking about last night. How he took me time after another, how he paid attention to each part of my body. He marked me from places that belonged to only him now and from his looks I could tell how proud he was. I turned off the water and dried my body. After that I put my clothes on, washed my teeth and tried to make myself look like a person who did not have sex all night long. Yet that was pretty impossible thing to do. I definitely looked like I had being taken the whole night but to be honest, I just didn't care. I smirked to the person looking me from the mirror and closed the door to bathroom. I walked to kitchen and turned the espresso machine on. When it was ready to go, I made myself a big cup of black coffee and leaned against the counter top to drink it while looking out the window. The weather was nice and this totally felt like the perfect lazy Sunday morning. Especially when I saw Aleksi walking out from my bedroom, naked.

"Oh wow.. this morning just got better.." I smirked from the kitchen and watched as Aleksi went to the living room to collect his clothes. I had an open plan apartment so I got to observe as he pulled on his boxers and t-shirt. The man then walked to me and placed his hands on my hips. Not saying a word, he gave me a long and passionate morning kiss.

"Morning" he said after pulling out for air.

"Morning" I smiled and let my hair run through his messy hair.

"Slept well?" I asked and held him against me. I just didn't want to let go of his body, the electric waves I got from him being this close to me felt too good.

"Better than ever... Even tho I guess we were up most of the night" Aleksi smiled and let his lips run on my neck. I was having troubles holding my coffee in my hand so just that I won't spill it on him or on the floor, I placed the cup next to me.

"Can I use your shower?" He then asked and smoothly took a sip from my coffee. I looked him amused and smiled.

"Sure, I already put you a towel ready" I said. Aleksi smiled, gave me a light kiss on my cheek and went to bathroom. Soon I heard the water running so I started to prepare us some breakfast. I opened the fridge and took out eggs, milk and some blueberries I had brought few days ago. Then I took a bowl from the cabinet and flour and sugar from the pantry. I started to mix the pancake batter and soon the apartment was filled with the smell of pancakes.

After we were done eating, we watched some TV and just enjoyed the perfect Sunday morning with each others because we knew that tomorrow we wouldn't be able to even really be close since we'd be back to work and as I didn't want the others to really know what's going on between us just yet. Mostly because of the Joel situation. Even tho, according to Joonas things between me and Aleksi were too obvious.

"Aleksi.." I whispered and looked him. Earlier when I was making the pancakes, I decided that I'd go to see Joel later and try to talk with him again. I needed to know what the hell was going and it was only fair to let Aleksi at least know that I am walking straight into the lion's cave.

"I was planning to go to Joel's later today... To talk"
Aleksi looked at me and nodded.

"Okey, so... Did he say anything yesterday when you took him home?" he then asked. I looked at him and twisted my lips a bit. Well yeah, Joel did say something but Aleksi didn't need to know what exactly so I told him only the first part of the conversation we had in the car.
"He asked if I had slept with you... But I didn't give him straight answer tho... He was being extremely moody and it looks like it is going to be a hell of a talk to have with him.."

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