dead vampires and witches

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Brooklyn, bonnie and marcel came to Town Square

Brooklyn: is there any reason why you called us here, my daughter's life is in danger I should be with her right now

James: as much as I love to leave you alone we got a problem

Bonnie: what is it

Celeste: someone killed thirteen of our vampires last night (says)

Marcel: what does it have to do with us

Celeste: does the thing it's how they died (says and they followed her to a room)

Bonnie: what happened

James: someone burned them alive we thought it was a witch but this is not witch Magic

Brooklyn: what do you think it is

James: we think it's a phoenix (says and the three started laughing)

Marcel: they don't exist

Celeste: hope wasn't supposed to exist either but yet here she is (says)

Brooklyn: if they even are real why would they kill a vampire

I would like to know that too (says coming in)

Celeste: who are you

Woman: just call me gia (says) this that killed your vampires kill 13th of my witches

Bonnie: 13 witches, 13 vampires oh no

Marcel: what is it

Bonnie: someone is sacrificing them for a ritual (says)

Brooklyn: how do you know that

Bonnie: something like this happened in Mystic Falls but I don't know what spell this person is doing

Brooklyn: but what does this have to do with a phoenix

Gia: did you say Phoenix

Brooklyn: yeah why

Gia: have you ever heard of a monster named malivore (says)

Marcel: no who's he (ask)

Gia: he's a monster that absorbs other monsters to grow strong

Brooklyn: again the Phoenix

Gia: the monster grew lonely, he wanted to create a family and more of him he failed every time until he started to absorb human genetics, a woman fell in and came back pregnant with his baby

Bonnie: it had a child

Gia: yes a baby boy in 2010 (says)

Marcel: so the boy is around 3 years old (says)

Gia: yes, he is the first of his kind, but it's best to keep him hidden from the world, right now they only see him as human which is best for him (says) sorry Brooklyn I know how you feel about Hope having a normal life

Brooklyn:uh it's okay even tho I don't remember telling you about hope

Bonnie: do you think it's Noah it can't be a coincidence

Marcel: but all of this doesn't make sense at all what is happening here

Brooklyn's phone started to rang

Brooklyn: what is it rosalie, what I'm on my way (hangs up) Noah attacked again

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