going to new Orleans part 2

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Marcel: Davina this is my little sister hope (says) and Brooklyn's daughter

Davina: I see you two moved on with life (says)

Marcel: I know and I wish I would come back but-(says)

Davina: I know, the mikaelsons (says) come in we don't want anyone to see you (says and let them in)

They all sat in her living room

Davina: so why are you guys here (ask)

Marcel: we need help finding something called The Gem of Fire (says)

Davina: well you're in luck I have it (says getting up)

Brooklyn: how do you have it (ask)

Davina: well I'm the regent of the witches which makes me leader of the coven (says)

Brooklyn:oh (says) so how are things here

Davina: well Hayley got pregnant again and had her daughter in October but she's dead

Marcel: who died (ask)

Davina: the baby, before I became leader The Witches sacrifice the baby, the mikaelsons killed the witches but they were too late

Brooklyn: well that's bad (lies)

Davina: well not anymore the mikaelsons fake the baby's death and brought her back to New Orleans, her name is Faith

Brooklyn:(rolls her eyes) I'm sure they're very happy

Davina: they are (says) they were very devastated when her and klaus's baby died that you killed (says)

Brooklyn: and I'm proud of what I did, Klaus deserves it (says)

Davina: and you killed an innocent baby to prove a point

Marcel: Davina don't (says)

Brooklyn: no let her continue (says) she's defending them because she is screwing around with kol

Davina/marcel:how did you/ She did what (says)

Brooklyn: I have a friend who keeps tabs on the mikaelsons (says) even you and kol

Davina: you need to leave and I can't give you the gem (says getting up)

Brooklyn: Marcel take hope to the car (says)

Marcel: what are you going to do (ask)

Brooklyn: don't worry I won't hurt her much (says)

Marcel looked at Davina and left with hope

10 minutes later Brooklyn came out with the gem and got in the car

Marcel: what did you do mom (ask)

Brooklyn: don't worry she's fine just knocked out for a bit ( says and Marcel look at her) what she needs to understand that this is a matter of life and death

Marcel:fine ( says and start the car and drove off)

Hope: mommy are we heading back home (ask)

Brooklyn: yes baby (says)

Hope: can we stop by and get ice cream

Brooklyn:(smiles) of course chocolate cinnamon strawberry (says and hope nods because it's her favorite)

I know weird combination right

Marcel: she like that (ask)

Brooklyn: don't ask (says, they laughed and soon drove home)

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