wedding day part 2

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Woman: if anyone like to object speak now or forever hold your peace (no one said anything) now I present you husband and wife you may kiss the bride

She says and the two kiss but when they stop they smiled and aria's heart was removed from her body

Stefan:NOOO (yells as aria body fell down)

Brooklyn: oh my God (says)

Hope: mommy what's happening (ask)

Brooklyn: nothing honey ( says covering her eyes) but we need to leave now (says and Brooklyn speed's the two away)

Noah: I told you I will hurt the people katherine loves, she cares about you Stefan so I thought why not take out your new wife (smiles)

Stefan: I'm going to kill you (says getting up)

Noah: oh Stefan you already did I just returned the favor (says) and besides you're more mad at someone else than me now

Stefan just looked at him/ later at night, Marcel and Adam compelled everyone at the wedding to forget, Brooklyn had put hope to bed before going to Stefan room to see him looking out the window


Stefan: leave (says)

Brooklyn: Stefan please look at me

Stefan: I said LEAVE (says)

Brooklyn: look I get that aria is dead but why are you taking it out on me (ask)

Stefan: because you ran like a coward

Brooklyn: oh so my first instinct to protect my daughter first is a cowardly thing (says) Stefan you need to understand that hope is my priority not aria, you chose to marry her, you chose to have her in this life what did you expect (says) that the two of you will live happily ever after without evil in the world

Stefan: no you brung evil to endanger us

Brooklyn: why, you're the one who came into my life first and you brought aria into it like you did with Elena, you ruined two human girls life and got them turned into vampire Stefan all because you had to know them

Stefan:shut up

Brooklyn: no Stefan you need to learn, you put people in danger for your selfish needs not me

Stefan: my selfish needs at least I'm happy for once in my life

Brooklyn: oh so this family doesn't make you happy what about hope

Stefan: Brooke that's not what I meant (says)

Brooklyn: no that is exactly what you meant (says and leaves)

With bonnie and Katherine

Katherine: Bon what are you doing (ask)

Bonnie: trying to find out what Noah is (says)

Katherine: what do you mean

Bonnie: I know he's a vampire and a werewolf but he seemed stronger than Brooklyn (says)

Katherine: I don't understand

Bonnie: same but where does the Phoenix come in ( says and look into books)

Katherine: I have no idea (says and sits down)

Bonnie: how is Stefan (ask)

Katherine: angry, I just heard him and Brooklyn fight, he thinks it's Brooklyn's fault

Bonnie: but it's not he chose to get close to aria and look what happened


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