funeral and the death of James

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It's been two weeks since the death of Celeste, two weeks since Stefan disappeared right now everyone is getting dressed to pay their respects

Katherine: I hate funerals so much

Brooklyn: I do too it reminds us of how many people we lost Just To Survive

Katherine: where's hope

Brooklyn: she's staying home with Marcel I don't want her to be at a funeral yet, if she goes I will start to think that this is her funeral

Katherine: oh right the death curse

Brooklyn:(nods) I feel like I'm slowly falling apart, how many more people do we need to lose until she turns 16

Katherine: I don't know but we will find a way to stop it

Brooklyn: if you say so (says)

They went to the living room where everyone was

Hope: Mommy why can't I go with you

Brooklyn: because hope this isn't a happy place to be at and you're not ready to feel this type of emotion yet

Hope: are you coming back Mommy (ask)

Brooklyn: of course I am I love you to the moon and back always and forever

Hope: me too, to the moon and back always and forever (says and the two smiles)

Brooklyn: now stay here with Marcel and listen to him okay

Hope:(nods) we can have a brother-sister bond day

Brooklyn: yes you will, now I'll see you later (says and everyone walked out)

At the funeral, they came in and saw James standing next to Celeste's coffin

Brooklyn: hey James you okay

James: she wasn't supposed to go yet she was supposed to stay for a few centuries and explore the world and learn more stuff but now she can't

Brooklyn: I'm sorry

James: for what

Brooklyn: for not being there to stop him I was so focused on trying to get rid of noah that I didn't focus on Stefan

James: it's okay it's not your fault but Stefan has to pay for it

Brooklyn: if pay means killing you can't do that

James: why not

Brooklyn: because he's hope father she needs him

James: and since when have stefan ever took the role of being Hope's father seriously

Brooklyn: it's still a working progress he's new at being a dad

James: and your new at being a mom but I don't see you treating hope so bad

Brooklyn: James please don't kill him

James: fine I won't but he will suffer one day

Brooklyn: okay (says and he leaves)

Katherine: where is he going

Brooklyn: he needs to take a walk

Katherine: so he's leaving his own wife's funeral

Brooklyn: Katherine he just lost her let him grieve

Katherine: I know it's just I don't really care about other people's feelings

Brooklyn: well you better start learning Katherine, where are the others

Katherine: I don't know but look who just walked through the door

They turn around to see Stefan coming in

Brooklyn: oh no this is the worst place to be at what is going on inside his mind

The two walked up to him

Brooklyn: what the hell are you doing here Stefan you shouldnt be here

Stefan: I wanted to pay my respects

Katherine: yeah pay respects to the woman you killed

Stefan: I would have never killed her if she would have just stay out of my business like I told her to

And so killing her was the best choice

They all look to see James standing there

Brooklyn: James

James: you have some nerve coming up here showing your face after what you did

Stefan: look I'm sorry that I killed your wife and offended your pride

James: She did nothing to you, she was just trying to help you and you just killed her

Stefan: look I'm trying to apologize so forgive my apology and move on

Oh my God I'm making Stefan sound like Damon

James: forgive your apology no you destroyed someone good today because you couldn't handle the fact that your wife died so you decide to kill mines

Stefan: You are really getting on my nerves right now

James: then leave I didn't ask you here and I don't want you here so leave

Katherine: James I think it's best you take that walk to clear your mind

James:NO no I'm in so much pain right now and you're taking his side I stuck by you I killed people for you, I even kept your precious hope safe and look what you do you stab me in the back

Brooklyn: that is not what we are doing it we're not taking anyone's side

James: shut up you're always trying to make peace and a safe place for your daughter in this world well guess what Brooklyn this isn't a fantasy it's real life it's never safe and it's will never be in peace, as long as that girl is your daughter and Klaus's she will always be a threat in everyone's eyes I should have saw that from the start

Brooklyn: James what are you talkin about

James: you call yourself family you call yourself trying to protect the city when all you do is kill and make an excuse saying it's too dangerous for hope, it's for hope or I'm doing this for her lies it's just an excuse to get what you want

Katherine: James look whatever we did is for hope it was never for anyone else not you not Celeste not even Stefan it was all for hope and it will continue to be as she grow up

James: well I wonder how hope will feel being an orphanage ( says and runs to them only to feel his heart removed from his body)

There Stefan holding James's heart and james body fell to the ground

Brooklyn: Stefan what did you do

Stefan: he was going to hurt you so I stop it

Katherine: Stefan Brooklyn is a thousand years old and I'm 500 I think we can take him just fine

Stefan: whatever you say ( says and leaves)

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