wedding part 1

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A few weeks later, aria was putting on her wedding dress when Brooklyn came in with hope

Aria:came here to talk me out of marrying Stefan because it won't work (says)

Brooklyn: no I came here to wish you will (says putting hope on the bed)

Aria:why (ask)

Brooklyn: look I'm trying to be nice for today and after that I will go back to hating you (says)

Aria:ok fine thank you (says)

Brooklyn: and to be clear I'm doing this for Stefan if your going to marry him and be apart of this family I will have to try and tolerate you (says) but I still hate you

Aria:(smiles) yes of course

Brooklyn:oh and I'm the only one who is going to be like this,the others not so much (says)so don't get to comfortable

Aria:right of course I understand (says)

Hope:mama can we go (says)

Brooklyn:of course baby (says)

Yes hope is getting good at forming sentences at a young age due to her being supernatural

Aria:she's really getting good (says)

Brooklyn: yes and walking and doing things on her own (says)we should go and gets dressed (says picking up hope and leaving)

Aria smiled before going back to getting dressed, with the others Brooklyn put on her dress

Aria smiled before going back to getting dressed, with the others Brooklyn put on her dress

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Katherine: I see your still going to that wedding (says coming in)

Brooklyn:kat (says)

Katherine: what I'm just saying in plus if I go i'll end up killing someone

Brooklyn roll her eyes, hope came in with bonnie

Hope:mommy (runs in and hug her)

Brooklyn:hey baby (says putting her up and kissed her cheek)what have you and aunt bonnie been doing

Hope:me and auntie bon went out for ice creams for the first time (says)

Brooklyn:oh you did now, well let's get you dressed for the cemetery ok (says and hope nods)thank you for looking after hope bonnie

Bonnie: hey it was no problem, it was nice spending a day with her (says and Brooklyn smiles)

Brooklyn:come on hope (says and the two leaves)

At the cemetery/ hope's dress

Hope:mommy when will it start (ask)

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Hope:mommy when will it start (ask)

Brooklyn:soon sweetheart

Hope:are we going to see daddy (ask)

Brooklyn: yes we are baby (kiss her head)

Hope:its starting (says getting excited)

Soon the door open and aria step out in her wedding dress, she smiles walking down to the end and soon she was in front of stefan, the two smiled at each other

Soon the door open and aria step out in her wedding dress, she smiles walking down to the end and soon she was in front of stefan, the two smiled at each other

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Women:welcome family and friends on this magical evening to the wedding of stefan salvatore and aria smith, aria and stefan have prepared their vows

Stefan:(looks at her) aria smith when I first met you, you were different from all the other girls I used to date, you were kind and caring to those who would put you down I love you and I want to be by your side forever

Aria:(smiles at him) I felt the same about you stefan you have been my light since day one I will always be there for you and I will continue to do so for what seems like eternity I Love You Stefan and I can't wait to be your wife (says and smiles)

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