Fall of the Cullen Family

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The family sat in the living room once again first aria, celeste and now james, they really destroyed good people even if it wasn't actually their fault but they felt responsible for their death

Bonnie: we are the worst

Brooklyn: I can't believe I stick side to Stefan and not james

Katherine:me to (says)

Marcel: what are you guys saying (looks at them)

Brooklyn: I'm saying I need to stop using Stefan as an excuse for him to live sometimes I need to let go

Rosalie: it's not your fault Brooklyn

Brooklyn: but it is I didn't want to let Stefan go and I put hope in danger of him being in her life and now I feared that it's only just begun, I hate to say this but Klaus would be a better father than Stefan (says)

Adam: Brooklyn you're scaring me

Brooklyn: I think it's time to let hope go and be with her real family, I don't want her to grow up with a father who doesn't love her, she needs her real father and mother, you guys are right I should have let Hope go and put her in a nice and safe family

Marcel: Brooklyn that was last time this is now you're not giving up hope in plus hope will remember you and thinks you abandoned her

Brooklyn: well good she needs to hate me so she can stay away and be safe, I don't want to let her go but I have to

Katherine: Brooklyn if you do this you will start war with a Mikaelson

Brooklyn: but at least hope we'll be safe I don't care about my safety just about hers


Brooklyn: no I made my final decision and taking her back to her real family (says getting up and leaves)

Rosalie: she's really going to do it

Katherine: not do it, try to she's sired to hope there's no way she would just give her up like that (says)

Adam: we got to try and convince her not to Hope made us into the best people we can be, I'm not giving her up

Bonnie: he's right we got to convince her

With Brooklyn, she was in her daughter's bedroom watching her sleep, and packing her things, Brooklyn also wrote a letter just in case if hope does remember her she'll explain in the letter

Brooklyn:(picks up hope) I'm so sorry baby girl I should have never taken you from your real family it was nice being your mother for a while but I'm afraid this is to an end you don't deserve to have me as your mother because I constantly put you in danger every day and I don't want that for you so I think it's best to go with your real parents (says crying)

Brooklyn grab Hope things and grabbed hope and went downstairs and saw everyone standing there

Katherine: Brooklyn you have to think about this before you make the decision

Brooklyn: I already did it's safer this way (says)

Stefan then walk in

Stefan: what are you doing with hope

Brooklyn: im taking her back to her real family the mikaelsons

Stefan: you can't do that, she's our daughter

Brooklyn: why not, her real parents are Hayley Marshall and Klaus Mikaelson, we're not her parents and you are most certainly not her father because you haven't shown any signs of being her father at all since she's been born it was always aria this or aria that I am done with you Stefan the only reason I'm hanging around you is for Hope but I am through once hope goes back to her real family I'm leaving and never coming back (says)

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