at home

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Before Brooklyn left

Brooklyn: don't let anyone in rosalie got it (says)

Rosalie: I won't I promise (says)

Brooklyn: okay (says and looks at hope) now I will be back soon I love you

Hope: love mama (says)

Brooklyn:yes love you to ( says kissing her head and give her to Rosalie)bye

Rosalie:bye ( says and she left) okay hope why don't we watch a movie until Mama gets back


Rosalie: yes Mama left but she will be back

The two went to the living room and watch a cartoon show, as the two were sleeping someone broke into the house,rosalie got up and saw


Noah: hello rosalie good to see you again

Rosalie: what do you want (says standing in front of hope)

Noah: oh I just need hope (smiles)

Rosalie: well you're not getting her

Noah: well it's a good thing I didn't ask (says and knock her out)

Hope:mama (says looking around)

Noah: No Love but I'm a friend of your mother's and right now I need your blood that you share with her (says, he takes out a needle and draws blood from her, hope started crying after when he was done he kissed her head and left)

Minutes later Rosalie woke up, she turned to see hope okay on the couch,rosalie grabbed her phone and call Brooklyn

20 minutes later everyone was there

Brooklyn:what happen (ask)

Rosalie: all I know is that Noah was here, he used something on me and I fell asleep

Marcel: it looks like he took blood from her (says and points at a little blood on hope's clothes)

Rosalie: why would he want her blood (ask)

Katherine: scratch that why does everyone want her blood I get she can sire hybrid's but that's it what else can her blood do

Adam: is he trying to turn himself into a hybrid

Stefan: he would need two vials of her blood to become one and he will be sired to her (says)

Rosalie: I'm pretty sure he got one vial

Brooklyn: what is he trying to do (says) I mean my mother made it clear what her plan is but noah he's a mystery

Katherine: he managed to keep another relationship from me for months I'm not surprised what he's doing now

Bonnie: do you know where he would go

Katherine: Noah is not dumb he would never hide in a place that I would know he goes (says)

Brooklyn: we need to find him, he's more dangerous and he's just a werewolf who is very good at hiding his tracks


Brooklyn: yes sweetheart (says and goes to hope's room)

Adam: hope is really getting good at words

Katherine: of course She's good, we taught her, she listens to what we tell her to call us and she repeats it in her own words (says)

Stefan: as much as I love to see hope talk more we got a werewolf to find (says, they nodded and left to the bayou)

the Cullen Family season 3Where stories live. Discover now