death of celeste

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With Stefan in the woods letting his anger out on a tree it's been 4 days since aria died

Stefan: why does this always happen to me first Katherine, then Rebekah, then Elena and now aria what is wrong with me

What's wrong with you

Stefan look to see Celeste

Stefan: what the hell are you doing her

Celeste: just taking a walk and I found you (says)

Stefan: well go away

Celeste: I'm good, so you're mad at the world for your problems

Stefan: it's none of your business

Celeste: you're right it's not my business but this is my town and so it's my Woods (says)

Stefan: does my face tell you that I care if it's your town or not, no

Celeste: what's the point in trying to be so strong after all your so-called wife is dead so you don't have to show off

Stefan: do not talk about her

Celeste: what Stefan the only way to get past this, is the grief for her

Stefan: and why are you telling me this at least the love of your life is still alive

Celeste: you're right but I'm telling you this, being mad at someone else for your mistakes isn't right you shouldn't put the blame on someone else

Stefan: leave me alone

Celeste: see there's the problem when someone tries to help you and you push them away, aria is dead now, you need to start focusing on your real family your daughter needs you

Stefan:( grabs her neck) you don't know anything about me

Celeste: you're right I don't know anything about you but I known you from two years to know that you blame people for every problem that comes you way and you blame most of it on Brooklyn

Stefan: why is everyone keep taking her side she's not special

Celeste: because she has a good heart and she puts other people before herself

Stefan: so does aria but everyone seems to think she's a jealous bitch (says)

Celeste: because she was, ever since she came into our lives she has been trying to take everything from Brooklyn you, her home, friends, family, even her daughter

Stefan: like I said before she would never do that

Celeste: are you not hearing yourself you're denying the truth stefan, every day of your miserable life you don't want to hear the truth and denies it every single time

Stefan: you need to shut off before you do something you regret

Celeste: see there it is you're about to take your anger out on me because what I'm telling the truth and the things that you don't want to hear, well suck it up you'll be hearing it for the rest of your Immortal Life

Stefan: well it's a good thing you already lived your Immortal Life

Celeste what are you talkin abo-( stop and she felt her heart removed from her body)


Stefan look to see James standing there with tears in his eyes as he watched celeste fall to the ground taking her last breath

James: what did you do, what did you do ( says running to his now-dead wife)

Stefan: well she should have left me alone instead of giving me therapy lessons

James: She was trying to save you from your selfish ways now there's no hope for you at all you're so dead (gets up)

Stefan: well at least you know how I feel when the woman I love got Stripped Away From Me

James: is that what you're doing you trying to hurt other people so they can feel the pain that you're feeling you're really going to take people down with you

Stefan: if I have to so people can understand that I'm hurt

James: you know what I feel so sorry for hope she has to have you as a punk ass dad (says) a scared little boy who blames everyone but himself, it's a good thing she has one parent to put her on the right path

Stefan: oh so you want to die to now

James: look you may have taken my wife out because she was younger than you but I am older than you don't push your luck (says)

Stefan: so what, what are you going to do to me

James: I want you to leave town and never come back

Stefan: yeah, no I like it here and I'm staying whenever I want to (says leaving) oh you better take good care of her dead body before bugs get on (leaves)

James then scream throughout the woods in anger and hurt

That was the second death who will be the final third throughout this season

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