going to mystic falls part 2

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Brooklyn: what do you mean she's dead (ask)

Alaric: me and Jo was getting married and her twin brother kai  killed her before she could say I do

Brooklyn:oh my god ( says try not to cry) she was my best friend

Alaric: and there is something else

Brooklyn:what (looks at him)

Alaric: she was pregnant with twins (says)


Alaric: two baby girls

Brooklyn: they're dead too

Alaric: not really Jo's coven save them and plant them in Caroline

Brooklyn: oh wow, that's good, we need your help

Alaric: I also need your help (says)

Brooklyn: what is it (looks at him)

Alaric: did Joel tell you about the merge (ask)

Brooklyn: yes she did

Alaric: is there anything you know to stop it (ask)

Brooklyn: no I don't (says and alaric look down) but I can find out I just need their blood to find a way to disconnect it like everyone says there's always a loophole (says)

Alaric: oh thank you so much I'll get there blood when they're born (says and she nods) so what is it that you need

Marcel: have you ever heard of the gem of fire (ask)

Alaric: I have actually but is not here (says)

Brooklyn: what do you mean it's not here

Alaric: I mean it's not in Mystic Falls (says)

Brooklyn: then where is it (ask)

Alaric: it's in New Orleans

Marcel: great why is everything in New Orleans (says)

Brooklyn: where in New Orleans

Alaric: in the French Quarter I heard the witches over there has it (says)

Brooklyn: great another witch

Marcel: there is a witch who can help us

Brooklyn: who is it

Marcel: her name is Davina Claire (says)

Brooklyn: I guess we're going to New Orleans

Hope: Mommy can we stay here for a few days please (ask pulling her arm)

Brooklyn: I don't know sweetie (says)

Hope: please Mommy (gives her the eyes)

Brooklyn: fine I guess we can stay for a bit I don't want you to be stuck in the same town I want you to get out more (says and hope nods)

Alaric: why is she wearing that (ask)

Brooklyn: Marcel thought she look good in it

Marcel: she does in plus she's going to get older and wear those type of clothes (says)

Brooklyn: not when I'm around (says) we should have back and get some rest

Alaric: you guys have a place to stay (ask)

Brooklyn: of course we do, we used to live here before I was pregnant with hope, it was nice seeing you again and I will find a way to stop the merge (says he nods and they leave)

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