going to mystic falls

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With Brooklyn and Stefan, Brooklyn went to Stefan's room to see him looking out the window as always

Brooklyn:Stefan (calls out)

Stefan: what do you want Brooklyn (says)

Brooklyn: me, hope and Marcel are going out we may have found a way to stop Noah and I was wondering if you'd like to go (ask)


Brooklyn: what, Stefan this is the time to have a family bond day, aria is Dead don't you want to stop Noah from killing any more people

Stefan: do not speak of her name, I don't care anymore (says)

Brooklyn: well you're going to have to Stefan, do you really think aria would like you this way because she won't (says)

Stefan: how would you know you don't even like her (says)

Brooklyn: you're right I don't but she will want you to get your ass up and stop Noah

Stefan:(looks at her) I can't

Brooklyn:(sighs) fine have it your way (says and leaves)

Brooklyn went outside to see Marcel packing everything in the car and hope was in the back seat

Brooklyn:oh that was fast

Marcel: well we need to get going

Brooklyn: what is Hope wearing (says)

Brooklyn: what is Hope wearing (says)

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Marcel: what she needs to look good

Brooklyn: she's only 2 Marcel (says)

Marcel: no time like the present (says and Brooklyn roll her eyes)

Brooklyn: let's get going (says, they got in the car and drove off)

Hours later they made it to Mystic Falls

Marcel: where do you want to go first

Brooklyn: I have a friend here who can help us her name is jo (marcel nods)

Marcel: do you know where she is

Brooklyn:yes (says)

20 minutes later they made it to Jo's

Brooklyn: I can't wait to see her (says)

Marcel: and I can't wait to meet her ( says getting hope out and put her on the ground so she can walk)

Hope: where are we Mommy (ask)

Brooklyn: we are at your Aunt Jo's house (says smiling)

They walk to the door and knocked on it, someone then open it and it was alaric

Alaric: Brooklyn (looks at her)

Brooklyn: Alaric hi (says and hugs him)

Alaric: and hope, oh she's walking now


Alaric: and talking (says chuckling)

Marcel: hi I'm Marcel her Son (says)

Alaric: hello I'm alaric (the two shakes hands)

Brooklyn: so where's Jo ( says and alaric's face went sad)what

Alaric: she's dead (says sadly)

Brooklyn:WHAT (yells)

They all looked at each other

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