hope's blood can do what

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They headed to the bayou

Rosalie: we couldn't find him before what makes you think he will show up here (says)

Adam: maybe because he's right there (points at noah)

Katherine: how could this be that easy

Noah: I was wondering when you'll find me (says smirking)

Stefan: what do you want with hope

Noah: I already got what I needed from her (says)

Marcel: yes her blood, why do you want it

Noah: now why would I tell you if you're just going to stop me

Katherine: why do you want her blood Noah (says getting angry)

Noah: oh katherine always so impatient fine I'll tell you this, hopes blood can create different type of hybrids not just werewolf and Vampire but all hybrid, that's why she's so special (says)

Katherine: Hope just keeps impressing me (says smirking)

Noah: yes she will be very powerful when she's older, well if she survived that death curse her family put on her

Bonnie: how do you know about that (ask)

Noah: you be surprised how many people know about it (says) oh and congratulations Stefan on your engagement

Stefan:uh thanks (says)

Noah: but if I were you I would not bring katherine she might just kill aria again like she did with my soon-to-be wife and family (says and Katherine rolls her eyes)

Katherine: well maybe they would still be alive if you didn't cheat on me, it's your fault their dead (smirks)

Noah: IT IS NOT MY FAULT (yells angrily) it's yours, you took them from me

Katherine: did you forget that I'm a Katherine Pierce I kill everyone people care about for betraying me and you know I always get what I want (says) but you knew playing me would get your family killed so that's on you not me

Noah:(glares at her) don't worry katherine what's about to come, you won't stop me ( says but stops when someone pulls his heart out, he looked to see Stefan and fell to the ground

Stefan: see instead of knowing his plan we just kill him so he doesn't hurt him (says and walks away)

Marcel: okay so I guess Brooklyn should know that hope is safe now (says)

Adam: yeah (says and they all headed back)

Brooklyn: so Noah is dead (says)

Bonnie: yes he is thanks to Stefan (says)

Brooklyn: something isn't right it can't be that easy (says)

Katherine: he's a werewolf of course it would be that easy

Brooklyn: but guys he had hopes blood (says and they looked at each other)

Rosalie: please tell me he didn't use her blood to turn himself into a hybrid

Katherine: and Stefan gave him just that (says and looks at him)

Stefan: hey how was I supposed to know he use hopes blood

Brooklyn: we'll know if he did or not for now stay on high alert (says and they nod)

Somewhere in the woods, Noah shot up, he looked into the night all around him, his eyes glowed red before he scream Into the Night

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