death of noah

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Days of hard work Bonnie found a way to work the gem she used the gem's power to turn it into a sword so when they see Noah they can just stabbed him with it in the heart

Brooklyn: did you find a way to work it bonnie

Bonnie: I did all we have to do is stab him in the heart

Brooklyn: good and let's hope this is the last time someone tried to kill us

Bonnie: I hope so too

Brooklyn: wait what's that on your finger

Brooklyn saw a ring

Brooklyn: oh my God are you and Marcel

Bonnie: yes we're engaged (says and smiling)

Brooklyn: yes congratulations

Bonnie: thank you so much

Brooklyn: it will be kind of weird that you're going to become my daughter-in-law and hope's sister-in-law

Bonnie: I know but I'm still hopes aunt

Brooklyn: I think it's better that way (says) this family is very complicated

Bonnie: tell me about it

Next thing you know Adam came running in with blood all over him

Brooklyn: what the hell happened

Adam: it's Noah he's wiping us out one by one we need to stop him now

Bonnie: let's go

Brooklyn: wait what about hope we can't leave her alone

Bonnie: just compel someone to watch her we need to stop Noah

Brooklyn: I don't want to but fine we need to make this quick (says and soon they leave)

When they got there they saw Katherine's neck snapped, so was's Marcels, Noah was about to kill Rosalie when Brooklyn pushed him off

Noah: look who came to join the party where Stefan we have some unfinished business

Brooklyn: we are done with Noah

Noah: and where were you hiding

Brooklyn: not exactly but I'm here now and we are finally going to stop you (says)

Noah: with what I can't be killed

Brooklyn: that's not true Noah you may have created something new but nature always has a balance there's always a loophole

Noah: even if I did have a weakness that you wouldn't be able to find it, it would take years

Bonnie: I wouldn't count on it ( says and throw Brooklyn the sword)

Noah: and what is that your little play toy

Brooklyn: nope it's yours ( says and throws the sword towards his heart)

Noah was about to move when he felt the sword enter his heart

Noah: what's happening to me (says slowly turning gray)

Adam: that my friend is your weakness

Noah: no no no I was supposed to bring Justice to my family

Bonnie: we understand that you love your family but here's the thing never betray another (says)

Noah turn all the way gray and he fell to the ground next to you know the sword shattered in a million pieces

Brooklyn: what happened

Bonnie: it took too much power to kill Noah that it destroyed it (says)

Adam: don't worry we won't be needing it Noah was the only one

Brooklyn: you're right

The three went and helped their friends and when back to the house they waited for them to wake up and soon they woke up

Katherine: what the hell happened

Adam: I'll tell you what happened Noah's gone for good

Marcel: oh thank God man I thought we would never get rid of him

Bonnie: Never Say Never (smirks)

Adam: so Bonnie is it true that you and Marcel are getting married

Rosalie: what you're getting married

They nod happily

Katherine: thank you finally a wedding that I would enjoy going to (says)

Brooklyn: when is the wedding

Bonnie: it's in three months

Adam: well at least you have time when there's no one trying to kill us (says)

Brooklyn: he's right but Stefan still out there we have to go find him

Marcel: can we please just enjoy today Victory and tomorrow we can find Stefan

Brooklyn: fine just this once ( says and everyone cheers) now I got to go get a hope back from a stranger i compelled

Katherine: you can tell the stranger to watch hope

Brooklyn: I had to I couldn't leave her alone in the house

Rosalie: let's have a party

Marcel: I don't know

Bonnie: she's right Marcel we should celebrate we barely celebrated with a party because every time we do everything goes wrong (says)

Marcel: fine only because I love you (says and kiss her)

Everyone then said ewww and for the whole night they party like their life depended on it

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