going to new Orleans

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A few days later they put their things in the car, Brooklyn put hope in the car and turn to alaric

Alaric: thank you for visiting (says)

Brooklyn: same, so I looked for answers of the merge and I found a way to stop it

Alaric: you did how (ask)

Brooklyn: let's just say my family has a long list of people who did the merge and how to stop it they just hidden it from the world and since your girl's are not born yet it will give me time to make the Cure (says)

Alaric: and how long does it take (ask)

Brooklyn: it takes 5 months to make and three years to freeze

Alaric: why do you need to freeze it (ask)

Brooklyn: to boost it, it makes it stronger (says)

Alaric: that makes sense (says)

Brooklyn: we better get going (says)

Alaric: sure I won't stop you (says)

Brooklyn: come on Marcel ( says and the two got in the car and drove off)

In the car

Marcel: are you sure you know how to cure them

Brooklyn: yes I do I'm not going to let my best friend's daughters live only for them to died 22 years later just like hope they have their own curse

Marcel looks at her

Brooklyn: how is it that I can save them and not save my daughter, I don't even know how to save hope (says)

Marcel: hey, you're not alone we will find a way we got 12 to 13 more years

Brooklyn: like that's even better (says)

Hours later they soon made it to New Orleans

Brooklyn: we need to stay hidden the mikaelsons still live here

Marcel: when will we stop hiding from them (ask)

Brooklyn: When Hope get older to protect herself, Hayley will move on with her new child with Elijah now that she lived and is still a hybrid and Klaus will never forget his dead- alive child (says) so when hope gets older

Marcel: hope is going to be a troublemaker one day, using her powers, can turn into a wolf whenever she wants, kill people become a vampire

Brooklyn: do not say that Marcel she will not kill people (says)

Marcel: she will Brooklyn, she's a tribrid, people will come after her and she will be forced to protect herself when we're not around (says) which means killing in the process

Brooklyn: I know that but I don't want that to happen soon (says) I just want to see her innocent, shy, happy not filled with regret, sadness and pain like the mikaelsons

Marcel: I know (says and soon they made it to davina's house) I hope she still lives here

They got out the car and headed to the door, they knocked on it and soon someone answered

Marcel: Davina (looks at her)

Davina: Marcel (says) it's really you (says and hugs him) I missed you

Marcel: I missed you too (says)

Davina: and Brooklyn and who is this (says looking at hope)

the Cullen Family season 3Where stories live. Discover now