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(No pov)

It had been three weeks since Technoblade had 'visited' Dream, three weeks of arguments, three weeks questions, three weeks of apologies and explanations.

No one in the rest of the smp had visited in awhile and Dream was slowly mentally breaking more and more each day, Technoblade on the other hand was busy annoying Dream and thinking of ways out of the prison.

The purple obsidian cell was filled with cracks that dropped amethyst tears only had one interesting thing, an announcement device that alerted the prisoners of emergencies hung on the wall, other than that? Nothing else really.

Technoblade was wearing his royal white shirt, and red cape, which was torn, burned, and dirty. He had light brown pants on with deep brown leather boots. His golden crown was surprisingly shiny and reflected like a mirror, his blood red eyes were unseeing, due to being deep in thought, and his strawberry pink hair was in a messy braid.

Dream was wearing a forest green cloak, also covered in blood, dirt, burns, and was torn, and had the hood pulled over his head so you couldn't see his face. His long sleeve black turtleneck sweater had the sleeves pulled up, and he had black pants and stormy grey boots.

Technoblade sat on floor with his legs crossed and chin on his hands, was deep in thought, thinking of ways out, while Dream was curled up in a ball in the corner, tracing the eyes of his cracked white smiley mask with a clouded look in his forest coloured eyes.

A loud shrieking noise shook the two, getting Dream out of clouded state, Techno jolted and stood up in alarm, "What's going on?!" Dream said in a shaken tone, "I don't know, but I think we're getting out." Technoblade shouted, Dream shot up and grabbed his cracked white mask, and put it on,

"Why'd you do that?" Technoblade asked, "Not in the mood to show the entire server my face." Dream stated, "How do you know we're getting out?" Technoblade questioned, Dream pointed to the emergency device that had a message on it,

<Awesamdude> Everyone get to the prison immediately, there's been a security breach

"And you just said we might be getting out." Dream stated, Technoblade nodded, a click, snap, flick, was heard "Yeah, I think I'm right." Dream said as the lava slowly lowered, "In this scenario I would be right, but ok." Techno mumbled with an eye roll and crossed his arms.

As the lava lowered it revealed the platform that moves visitors towards the cell, and a man was standing by the levers that controlled the platform.

The man was wearing wearing a black face mask, black goggles with cyan blue lens, and a black cloak that covered them completely, he was standing on the other side of the prison, he flicked one of the levers and the platform started moving towards the cell,

"Well? Let's get going!" The man spoke with a natural British accent, Dream and Technoblade hesitantly but hurriedly stepped onto the platform as the man flicked the lever again and the platform moved back,

"You guys should take these, just in case things get messy." The man said giving Technoblade and Dream each an enchanted compass that had 'The Ruins" carved into them and pointed east, "Let's get out of here, quick!" The man exclaimed, and the men rushed to the main room. As the man opened one of the lockers, "Get your stuff, and hurry!" The man said hurriedly and pointed to Technoblade.

A loud thundering noise was heard outside the prison and Dream was shifting anxiously.

Technoblade hurriedly grabbed his stuff and put on his armour, and the men exited the prison,

A group of seven people stood outside the prison, fully dressed in enchanted netherite armour and wielding netherite swords or axes and shields, "Oh.. That's not good." The mysterious man spoke, "State your name and why you're here and we might not kill you," Awsamdude spoke, "Yeah! And Dream and Technoblade, you guys are soo in trouble," Tommy cackled

The mysterious man tilted his head in confusion, "Why should I do that?" He asked, "How do we know you're not a ghost?" Awesamdude shot back.

The man just shrugged, "Alright, why not?" He said, the man lowered his hood and took off his glasses, revealing dark brown hair and diamond blue eyes.

"My names Dantdm, you've probably heard of me." The man spoke out, shock visibly appeared appeared across the crowd, "And you two," he said to Dream and Technoblade and gave them a couple ender pearls, "Follow the compass" he said quietly and put the goggles back on, Dream and Technoblade nodded "We're not leaving yet," Dream said with a dark tone and Technoblade nodded "We should all talk.. peacefully," Technoblade said sarcastically, Dan checked his watch and simply shrugged and stepped aside,

"But wait- I thought Dantdm lived 500 years ago!" BadBoyHalo exclaimed, "You thought" Dan mumbled, Dream rolled his eyes, even though they couldn't see it.

"Do you guys want to say anything or are we going to just leave?" Dream said. "We're not going to speak, we're going to fight!" Tommy said angrily, "Calm down, Tommy." Technoblade snarled. "I severely doubt you're even prepared to fight." Technoblade added in a bored tone with a yawn. "Are we boring you, Technoblade?" Tubbo said in an annoyed tone, "Yes, very much." Dream jumped in, "I think We're ready to go, Technoblade." Technoblade nodded, "Alright. Let's go."

Dan gave the two a couple enderpearls and waved goodbye, "GoodBye!" He said

<DanTDM> Dr. T, hit the lever

And he disappeared into purple ender particles.

"Well, we should also get going!" Dream stated and Technoblade threw an enderpearl very far east, Dream doing the same shortly after "Bye." Technoblade said, and disappeared into purple ender particles, Dream heard a crossbow fire and looked to see Tommy with a crossbow out,

Dream's eyes widen as he isn't given enough time to dodge the arrow before both him and the arrow disappeared into purple ender particles.


Well, that's the end of this chapter, have a nice day! Also please tell me if there's spelling errors

(1037 words)

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