Chapter 1 || The Caved Kingdom

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(No pov)
!!Swearing and blood mentions!!

Dream and Technoblade appeared in a forest so thick you could barely see the clear blue sky, they were surrounded by trees and the forest was weirdly dark on this bright sunny day,

Dream immediately crumbled to the ground with a hiss of pain, Technoblade looked behind him to see Dream, holding his arm with an arrow lodged in it as blood ran down his arm.

Technoblade ran over, "Should I get the arrow out?" He said in a hurry, "Yes! Just do it already!" Dream said, wincing in pain.

Technoblade grabbed the arrow without warning which caused Dream to yelp in pain, and yanked the arrow out, causing another gush of blood to pour out as Dream yelled in pain and crumbled completely to the ground.

Technoblade quickly ripped a piece of Dream's forest green cloak off and tied it tightly around his wound, "That should be good for now, when we get there we'll properly take care of it." Technoblade stated. Dream nodded a bit and slowly got up,

"How far away are we even from the place?" Dream asked, "Uh- 57436 blocks away." Technoblade said, Dream sighed and stood up, "Well, let's get going." Dream said.

~Time skip~

After around 6 hours of running, stopping for breaks, and small conversations later they reached a small cave entrance that was embedded in the side of a huge snowy mountain, the entrance of the cave was lined with intricate stone details that looked as if they told stories and netherite, leaning against the entrance walls was Dan, looking bored.

Dan's head shot up as he heard the duo's footsteps, "Ah, you finally made it- oh" Dan said as he noticed the now deep red fabric tied around Dream's arm, "We'll fix that later. Come along then," He said walking into the cave, Dream and Technoblade following him,

The cave led into a medium sized cave with two holes in the ground, filled with a strangely clear liquid, one hole had bubbles floating up, and the other hole had bubbles floating down, both were plated with netherite,

"What are those?" Dream questioned, "Elevators, we live in a cave very deep down so, we use elevators to get down." Dan said simply, "We? Who's we?" Technoblade asked suspiciously, "Oh don't worry, we aren't violent like your 'friends'," Dan stated with an eye roll, "They're expecting us shortly, we should go," Dan said, "Follow me, please!" Dan said happily, and jumped into the hole with bubbles going down, Dream and Technoblade followed him.

Weirdly they could breath fine, and for some reason they were speeding down to the ground and when they arrived and got out of the elevators they weren't soaking. "Woah, what the" Technoblade said, amazed, "Holy shit," Dream said, also amazed.

They were standing in a monstrous sized caved that could fit fifteen castles and hundreds and thousands of people, but the most amazing thing was it was a city, WAS. They were standing in the ruins of what appeared to be an ancient kingdom, abandoned houses were neatly built in the surprisingly clean streets, but the most amazing thing, was that in the middle of the ruined city was a giant moat, a stunning draw bridge, and an even bigger castle,

The draw bridge was made out of dark oak with thick iron chains, keeping it held up, it had bushes, flowers, and vines growing in every little crack, and crystal laid in the main part of the bridge.

The castle was surprisingly taken care of, much like the streets, it had towers that nearly reached the roof of the giant cave and had jewels and impressive stonework all over, the roof was a royal blue, giant windows as clean and clear as crystals and it had gardens that looked like they were taken care of by someone with incredible gardening skills.

"If you're done admiring the ruins of this place, we need to go see the others," Dan said kindly, Dream and Technoblade nodded, curious to meet the other mysterious people that had gotten them out of a hellish prison, or at least Dream was, Technoblade just looked like he really didn't care.

The trio walked across the ruined town to the palace, crossing the draw bridge that was strung across the clearest water they had ever seen, "What is this place?" Dream asked, still impressed by the ruins, "You'll know once you meet the others," Dan answered with a laugh, Technoblade rolled his eyes.

They reached the entrance of the glorious castle and into the throne room,

The throne room was a huge open room with two golden thrones, behind the thrones was a grand staircase that led up to another floor, pillars connected from the floor to the roof, embedded with gold, emeralds and diamonds, openings led to what appeared to be a dining room, kitchen and, laboratory and a couple other rooms.

They hadn't realized, but on the thrones sat two girls, both were wearing cardigans, white shirts, and jean shorts, and flower crowns, but one girl was wearing blue and the other, pink.

The pink girl had bright green eyes and hazel brown hair, the cardigan was pastel pink, and the light blue jean shorts had a brown belt on them, she was wearing brown laced boots, and her flower crown had pink flowers and vines on it

The blue girl had dark blue eyes, dark brown hair that faded to a hazel colour, her cardigan had striped blue and white sleeves, a white tank top, with dark blue jean shorts, she was wearing blue and white ballet flats.

There were 6 other people standing near the thrones,

There was a man that was a cat hybrid, he had orange and white fur, and had green eyes, he was eating cake,

Another man was a squid hybrid, he had two arms that looked like they could wield 2 swords, and two squid tentacles for legs.

Another man was wearing a long white lab coat that was buttoned together and was so long you couldn't see his legs, he had emerald green eyes with brown eyebrows, he was bald, and had brown shoes with grey tips. He was studying two test tubes, one filled with a teal liquid, and the other was a shiny gold liquid.

A girl with with bright orange hair that was over her left shoulder, bright green eyes, was wearing a green tunic, lined with dark green. Brown pants, and greyish-brownish adventure boots, was talking to two other men.

One of the men had dark brown messy hair, strangely violet purple eyes, and was wearing a light blue simple tunic, with pants a darker shade of blue, and grey and blue runners.

The other man had deep brown neat hair, bright white eyes, and was wearing a simple teal tunic, dark blue pants, and grey runners.

"Wait a damn minute-" Dream said, surprised, and alerting the stranger of their presence.

"Oh hello!" Greeted the pink girl, "You must be Dream and Technoblade, correct?" The pink girl said.

"Yes we are, who are you guys?" Techno asked sharply,

Well, my name is Carly," the blue girl said,

"And I'm Kelly!" The pink girl said excitedly,

"Hello, my name is Stampy!" The orange cat said cheerfully,

"I'm, iballisticsquid, but you can call me Squid." The squid said, Technoblade's eyes widened, "SQUIDKID!?" He exclaimed, Squid laughed "No, we are very distant relatives, though." Squid laughed,

The man in the lab coat looked up,"I'm Dr.Trayaurus," The man in the lab coat said blankly and went back to examining the test tubes,

"I'm Steve, nice to meet you!" The purple-eyed man said excitedly,

"Herobrine." The white eyed man said blankly,

"And I'm Alex!" The orange-haired girl said proudly,

"And as you know, I'm Dan The Diamond Minecart, or Dantdm." Dan stated,

Carly hopped off her throne, "We are the Original Minecrafters, and this is The Kingdom of Minecraftia," Carly stated,

Well that took awhile,
I was going to add popularmmos but google said they got arrested so- I didn't but I will if you guys want! Have a nice day you guys!
(Comment any other old Minecraft people you know please)

(1378 words)

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