Chapter 4 || Finding family

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(No pov)

Dream was walking back to the elevators, "Where are you going?" A voice said from behind him. "Away. I'm a spy according to Technoblade." Dream stated sharply not turning to see who said that.

"Why would he think that?" The person said, "Because I'm getting- why am I telling you this?" Dream said and turned around, he stumbled back in surprise to see someone he wasn't expecting to see..

"Ranboo?!" Dream said in surprise as, the enderman hybrid was standing there right behind him. "Hello, Dream." The hybrid said happily.

"What are you doing here?" Dream exclaimed, "I found this place while enderwalking, the people here are quite nice and helped me. Oh and Karl is here too!" Ranboo said

Ranboo was wearing his black tuxedo with a red tie, he had grey combat boots on and fingerless gloves, he had green and red eyes and black and white freckles, and his golden crown was shining.

"Karl?! Why's he here!" Dream exclaimed, Ranboo shrugged, "I honestly don't know, maybe I forgot?" Ranboo wondered. "I'm still going, either way.." Dream said looking away. "Where are you going then?" Ranboo asked, "I don't know, The End maybe, or one of my houses. It'd be nice to relax finally." Dream said and wistfully smiled at his brother.

"You should stay a little bit longer, Dream!" Ranboo said with a smile. Dream thought for a minute, "Fine but only because you said so." Dream said with an eye roll not that he could see it though. Ranboo smiled happily, "Oh! Have you seen the library in this place! It's HUGE!" Ranboo said happily. "No I haven't actually.." Dream mused,

Ranboo snatched Dream's hand and bolted inside the castle, bolting past a very confused Dan, Kelly, Carly, and Technoblade. And ran through a hallway, at the end of the hallway was a pair of very tall dark oak doors, Ranboo opened the door to reveal the library.

The library had three floors and absolutely filled with books, the were simply everywhere, bookshelves lined every wall, there were so many bookshelves on the ground level it could've been a maze.
There were chairs, benches, and tables everywhere too, and one table had towers of books on it somehow.

"Woah.." Dream said in amazement, Ranboo laughed "I know right!" Ranboo laughed, "This library is HUGE" Dream said loudly, "Shush!" Someone said, startling Dream, "Who said that!" Dream asked, an annoyed brunette appeared from the table with books on it, "Me! No- Dream?!" The brunette said, "Karl!?" Dream said,

Karl jumped out from behind the books and ran over waving.

Karl was wearing a purple hoodie with a teal swirl in the middle, he had a golden pair of goggles on his head and wore brown fingerless gloves, he had light jeans on and brown hiking boots.

"So what are you doing here Dream?" Karl asked, "Just checking out the library," Dream said with a shrug. "Yeah it's a pretty cool place, there's so much history here!" Karl said with a smile.

"Why do you have so much books on that table Karl?" Ranboo asked, "Oh that's just a project of mine." Karl said nonchalantly, "Oh cool, what is it?" Dream asked. "I.. don't really know.. recording history or something." Karl said wistfully. "Ah, I should get back to it! Nice talking to you Dream!" Karl said happily, "You too, bye Karl!" Dream said.

"The castle also has a really good chef and observatory." Ranboo said, "Oh! And an Ender portal!" He said happily, "That's really cool Ranboo, but I'm going to go sleep, goodnight!" Dream yawned, "Night Dream!" Ranboo said happily.

Dream left the library and walked to the throne room to see Dan, Kelly, Carly, and Technoblade still standing there, talking. Dream really wanted to avoid them so he took out an invisibility potion and, drank it and started walking towards the staircase when he heard Dan say "He's not a spy, Techno! Why would he be!" Dream got curious about what they're talking about and decided to stay and eavesdrop.

"I don't know Dan, it's really suspicious that he has so many materials that why don't have." Carly said, unsure. "But why would he betray us! We got him out of the prison! Why would he join the people who put him there!" Carly said, "Exactly!" Dan said, "Look, I've been betrayed a ton before, I don't want to risk it!" Techno stated, "And I trusted those people who betrayed me too!" He added.

Dream was crushed about what he heard. He didn't want to hear anymore, so he bolted up the stairs to his room and locked the door.

'Am I really THAT untrustworthy?!' He yelled in his head as he curled up in the corner of the room.

He took off his mask and started tracing the eye holes, letting his thoughts run wild. He didn't realize he was crying until a tear dropped on the mask, he wiped away his tears and looked at his bookshelf, a book caught his eye, 'The four kingdoms' he'd read the book before and quite enjoyed it, so he picked it up and read.

(855 words)

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