Chapter 10 || The Wither is kind of a jerk

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(No pov)


Most people that were there fled the field in fear, hiding in the houses,

"What the fuck wrong with Dream?!" Tommy yelled, "Tommy that isn't Dream," Wilbur said sadly, he was barely listening anymore,

"Then what is that?!" Tommy screamed pointing at The Wither, or Dream.

"This guy where's a mask what a weirdo.." The Wither said, "Hey XD what would happen if I took the mask off?" The Wither mocked, DreamXD looked horrified,

"Don't you dare!" DreamXD yelled, "Oh why XD? Scared of something?" The Wither said in mock pity,

The Wither was about to take the mask off when it was tackled to the ground, "Don't take the mask off!" Ranboo hissed, no one in the smp ever saw the enderman hybrid this aggressive,

"Ugh, family," The Wither spat, "Always a w-... weakness.." He mused sinisterly, "Ha! I can see his memories!"

The Wither threw Ranboo off of him, the enderman landed weirdly with a crack, and jumped up, Tubbo, Tommy, and DreamXD ran over to the unconscious enderman, trying to wake him up,

DreamXD was in mortal form which was a forest green cloak with gold ring designs, he had a forest green tunic and black jeans and black combat boots, his mask was had an XD on it, and he had green fingerless gloves,

The Wither took Dream's bow out and was about to shoot when an arrow but the bow was shot out of his hand, he swiftly turned around to see Techno, with his crossbow out,

"Ah Technoblade.." The Wither hissed, "Did you know that everyone saw you as a villain? No one EVER will see as a friend, you are just 'The Blade' to anyone you'll ever meet," The Wither hissed, Techno tensed up at that,

"I've met you father Blade, he was a nice piglin, he left you for The Egg and riches though!" The Wither cackled, Techno stumbled back and dropped the crossbow,

"That's enough Wither!" DreamXD shouted, The Wither just laughed, "You left your own family! Your brothers struggled for years. You can't say ANYTHING," The Wither snapped at him, he was enjoying this, that shut DreamXD up,

DreamXD looked away ashamed, but realized something, "Dream and Ranboo were too young to remember that, how do you know?" DreamXD asked

"Oh wouldn't you like to know." The Wither hissed,

"I'm sorry, this has been fun, but I have worlds to conquer now that I can leave that wretched realm you put me in," The Wither said, "Goodb-" He cut of by Wilbur,

"Dream..?" Wilbur whispered, The Wither couldn't move, Dream was fighting him,

Wilbur wrapped his wings around Dream, and took his mask off, Dream's eyes were flickering from pitch back to his regular pretty green eyes,

"Oh Dream.." Wilbur said sadly, Dream's eyes were staying green for a bit and they teared up,

"I can't fight it.." Dream choked out, Wilbur pulled him into a hug, "Don't worry, We'll figure this out.." Wilbur whispered,

"Wilbur please, run away, he'll hurt you," Dream said desperately,

"Dream I'm not leaving you.." Wilbur whispered, "He's coming back Wil.." Dream whispered, Wilbur kissed his forhead and put the mask back on,

He removed his wings from around Dream and walked towards Techno,

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, Goodbye!" The Wither said with a scoff, and teleported away,

"We need to figure something out! Dream's still in there!" Wilbur said with determination, "Wilbur, I admire your determination, but Ranboo us badly injured, we need to take care of him first!" DreamXD stated,

"Alright, but we need to hurry," Wilbur said,

DreamXD carried Ranboo as they all ran to medical house in the town, as the others went to meet with Sam, but Wilbur stayed with DreamXD,

When the arrived at the medical house Wilbur was surprised to see Sally on one of the beds with bandages on,

Puffy and Niki looked out from behind a curtain where they were hiding, their eyes widened when the saw Ranboo, they rushed over, "What happened? Is everyone alright?" They started bombarding them with questions,

DreamXD raised his hand signalling them to be quiet, and they did, DreamXD passed them Ranboo and they immediately started working on his wounds,

"What happened anyway?" Puffy asked, cleaning a scratch, "Dream got possessed by a very insane dreamon," DreamXD scoffed, Puffy gasped, "My duckling!" She cried, "Are you Dream's adoptive mother?" DreamXD asked, Puffy nodded, "Yeah, why do you ask?" She questioned,

"I'm DreamXD his brother, and Ranboo is also his brother," DreamXD explained, Puffy's eyes widened, "Huh," she said and went back to bandaging and cleaning Ranboo's wounds,

"We should go meet with Sam and the others," Wilbur suggested,

"Indeed," DreamXD, and they both left the medical house, they walked for a bit, and came to the Town Hall,

They went inside and were greeted by Phil who was waiting for them,

"They're waiting for you guys in there," Phil told them pointing to a closed door, "Where are you going?" DreamXD asked, "I'm going to go get Karl, they didn't find him yet," Phil said,

"Alright see you later," Wilbur said and Phil waved and walked outside and flew off,

"Well, let's go," DreamXD said snd walked to the room, Wilbur following closely behind him,

(Dream's pov)

It's my fault with being too reckless, Dream thought, he could see what was happening, but he couldn't stop The Wither, he couldn't move or speak,

The Wither burst through the forest and appeared in front of a woodland mansion, it looked familiar to Dream but he couldn't remember where he'd seen it,

"Ah, home," The Wither said, What is this place? Dream thought, Oh it's nothing, The Wither thought back, Just a home I once knew,

(964 words)

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