Chapter 5 || A problem

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(No pov)

!!Mentions of blood and fighting, maybe fire!!

-time skip to the next day-

Dream woke up with his head in a book, literally. He had fallen asleep while reading, he yawned and put his mask back on, stood up and stretched.

He walked outside the room and down the stairs. He say Dan and was going to say hello but a loud crash shook the castle and Dream fell, "What was that!?" He yelped, "I don't know!" Dan yelled back.

Kelly, Carly, Technoblade, Ranboo, Herobrine, Steve, and Alex all appeared from running down the stairs, "Ranboo?! When'd you get here!" Techno asked, "Not important right now Techno!" Ranboo said.

Stampy and Dr. Trayuraus appeared at the top of the stairs, "Guys!" Stampy yelled, "A group of people appeared from the elevator! We don't know who they are though, but they're in full netherite!!" Stampy yelled.

Carly and Kelly froze. "Dan get those two to the emergency exit. If I'm correct it the smp people!" Kelly exclaimed and as Steve, Alex, and Herobrine ran towards the armoury, "What?! I'm not leaving you guys!" Dan exclaimed. "Oh we'll be finee!" Carly said, "Now, GO!" Kelly yelled and shoved them towards a wall, Dan nodded and pressed a brick and the wall was pushed away to reveal a secret door.

He grabbed Dream and Technoblade's arm and pulled them into the secret hallway Ranboo ran after them, "What about Karl!" Ranboo asked loudly, "Oh, shoot," Dan said, "You guys go to the elevator, I'll go get Karl." Dan said, Dream and Technoblade nodded and Dan left and closed the door.

The trio ran through the hallway and found the elevators, "Guys, let's wait for Dan and Karl." Ranboo said, "Since when was Karl here?" Techno asked. Ranboo shrugged "Don't know but let's wait for them." So they waited

And waited

And waited

And waited

They waited for two days, getting more worried every minute, but Dream was the only one who really showed he was worried, "Guys? I think something happened." Dream said anxiously.

"Well of course something happened it's been two days!" Ranboo exclaimed.

"I'll go check outside," Techno stated and walked down the hallway to door, but when he opened it he gasped. The other two heard and ran to Techno. And also gasped.

The throne room was a mess, there were burns, tears, small fires still burning, and blood everywhere, there was also pieces of netherite armour and chips from swords and axes, broken shields were scattered around the room, and arrows dripping blood and potions were scattered across the floor and imbedded in broken pieces of armour, scratches were all over the thrones, walls, and pillars, Dan's diamond goggles were laying on the floor, broken, and orange fur was in a few blood pools, a broken bloody blue flower crown lay on one of the shattered helmets.

Ranboo gasped, and Dream looked away, Techno just looked shocked, "I think they were taken.." Techno said, "Yeah no shit they were!" Dream said, voice breaking, "But how'd they find this place!" Ranboo was speechless, "Yeah it makes no sense.." Techno said, "Where do we go now though?" Techno asked.

"Me and Ranboo could go back to The End, but I doubt XD would let you in, Techno." Dream muttered.

"I know where to go.." Ranboo said quietly, that caught Dream and Techno's attention.

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