Chapter 2 || The Compass

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(No pov)

"Wait- I thought Minecraftia was the name of multiple kingdoms?" Technoblade questioned, "Well, yes but we're in the lost one, a forgotten one that somehow survived the attacks of mobs.." Kelly said quietly,

"Sorry but, how are you all not dead? Dan was born over 500 years ago, and the last recorded mention of Minecraftia was 684 years ago! And that was when it was ruined and sank." Dream questioned suspiciously,

"Just a little easy lie to slip in to history, as for being alive you  might've heard of it- The Revival Book? There are two copies not one copy," Carly stated, Dream and Technoblade were shocked.

"And we got in touch with a witch, Kelly and I were born here, when it was above ground, when mob sightings increased we asked the witch to sink the kingdom, so we would have a chance of survival, but the witch died centuries ago." Carly said quietly, looking away, "Anyway, we should show you two your room and get some rest." Stampy said.

"Dan? Can you show them their rooms, please? And fix that up." Carly asked and then nodded to Dream's wound, Dan shrugged "Sure, follow me guys." Dan said,

Dream and Technoblade followed Dan up three sets of stairs to a tower, it had two doors, a dark oak and birch, "Dream you're in that room," Dan said pointing to the birch door, "Techno- can I call you Techno?" Dan asked, "Sure," Techno said, "Well you're in that one," Dan said pointing at the dark oak door, "But Dream follow me to the medical area."

Technoblade went away to his assigned room, and Dream followed Dan away to the medical area.

Techno's room had red curtains that draped over giant stone windows, thd bed was king sized and had red blankets and pillows, their was a wardrobe in the corner beside a door that led to a bathroom, he assumed. Torches were beside both doors, and a bookshelf and chair were in the corner as a reading area.

Techno sat in the corner and started reading.

-With Dream and Dan-

The two went down to the throne room and walked over to one of the empty room that had medical room engraved onto the dark oak door.

Dan opened the door to a huge room with cabinets and drawers lining one of the walls, the other wall was lined with beds and chairs, and the back wall had boards saying what to do for different sicknesses and wounds.

Dream sat down as Dan grabbed the medical supplies and started fixing the wound, they sat in silence until Dan sighed and said, "So, you're related to DreamXD?" Dream froze when he heard this, "Uh- no?" Dream said clearly lying,

Dan sighed, "That was a poison arrow, and you guys were running for more than six hours. No one like a mortal could've survived that." Dan said. Dream sighed, "Yeah he's my way older brother, I was born a couple centuries after him.." Dream said looking away. "Yeah I thought so. Is there anything special he or you can do?" Dan muttered. Dream thought gor a minute, "As far as I know, no." He said.

"Alright, you're good now go to your room and rest. I won't tell anyone about DreamXD." Dan said waving him away.

Dream went up the stairs and went to his room,

Dream's room had green curtains that were open and looked down to the ruins, a king sized bed was in the corner beside a door which led to a bathroom, a desk with paper, quills and ink was in front of the window, and a wardrobe was beside the bathroom door.

Dream laid on the bed and fell asleep.


Dream was behind a tree, Bad, George, Antfrost, and Sapnap, were looking for him, they were playing manhunt again.

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