Chapter 7 || City in the Sky

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(No pov)

Ranboo awoke before the sun arose so just in case he could wake the others up.

Ranboo shook Dream awake and then Techno, "We need to go!" Ranboo whispered, "Huh? Why? The sun isn't even up! Actually scratch that I can't see the sun." Dream said tiredly.

"The smp might have the other compass that leads here, and the soonest they'll be here is sunrise!" Ranboo whisper-yelled, "Well let's get going then.." Techno yawned.

Ranboo nodded and left the room, Dream was getting dragged out of the room bye Techno, which amused Ranboo.

"Why.. are you dragging him?" A tired voice came from behind them, Ranboo turned to see Sally, looking very tired.

"He refused to get up." Techno stated loudly, Sally nodded, "Well I guess this is good bye for a bit," Sally said with a tired smile, "Oh yeah I guess it is." Ranboo said.

"I'll go open the gate for you guys." Sally said, and started walking out, and the trio followed her.

Dream had a thought just as they arrived at the gate, "Hey Sally, what if they take you too?" Dream asked. Sally's fins drooped, "Well then I go, it's time for it anyway, I've served my purpose." Sally said sadly as she opened the gate.

"What..?" Ranboo said sadly, "It's my time to go away, I've served my duty, I'm just a normal salmon now." Sally said with a small smile.

"What was you duty?" Techno asked, "To protect the castle until a trio of hybrids came along, they would save this world. Well according to the previous protector anyway." Sally explained.

"Now, enough questions, go to Sky Brooke, Goodbye you guys!" Sally said as she shoved them through the water and closed the gate, and walked back into the temple, "My purpose isn't completely finished though." They heard her say as she walked away.

They were still processing the information as the came ashore, "Let's get going before the sun rises you guys." Ranboo exclaimed and started walking into the trees and then south from the forest.

-Time skip to midday-

Dream finally fully processes the information when they were almost done the trip.

"Wait guys!" Dream is now panicking, the others turn to him, "Why did we leave her! They're going to to kidnap her! We need to go back!" Dream said not realizing how much time had passed and how far they'd gotten.

Ranboo and Techno gave him confused looks, "Dream you know what time it is and how far we've gotten, right?" Dream looked up and stumbled back in shock.

"Oh.." Dream mumbled, Ranboo gave him sad look "You've changed a lot in prison Dream." Ranboo says. "The Dream before prison wouldn't have cared. That's good Dream." Ranboo said with a smile.

"Let's just keep going.." Dream sadly mumbled, but was actually quite happy but also sad, and they continued their journey.

-earlier with the smp members-

George, Bad, and Antfrost enjoyed there time kicking the prismarine gate down that led to the temple, while they were doing that the others were looking around until they heard a muffled BANG and looked to see the gate was completely destroyed, with no trace of it left.

"Let's go then!" George said happily, as the oth walked into the temple, they decided to look for anyone, when the discovered the second floor.

A raspberry pink haired salmon hybrid girl was sitting before a statue of another hybrid who wielded a trident and was a dolphin hybrid, the statue was made out of sea glass but the trident was very much real, decorated with small designs and ropes of jewels.

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