Chapter 9 || A Black Sand Desert's Power

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(No pov)

!!Blood mentions!!

Dream, Techno, and Ranboo reached the ground, but as soon as they did, a violent shaking made them fall,

"I assume that was the smp members." Techno stated, "How the hell do they shake the ground that bad?" Dream asked.

"It doesn't matter we need to get going to the portal." Ranboo interjected, Techno and Dream nodded, and they went into the cave.

-with the smp members-

"So we found Phil and Wilbur somehow," Awesamdude muttered to himself, "I thought Wilbur was dead," Fundy mumbled, "How is he even alive?" Tommy added.

Everyone one the smp except George, Bad, and Ant, was in the meeting room,

"We need to get back to the original topic though." Eret interrupted, Tommy, Fundy, and Awesamdude nodded,

"What do we do about them?" Tubbo asks, gesturing to another meeting room that George, Ant, and Bad were in,

"Maybe we just have to wait for Dream and Techno, Sally said they could fix it." Awesamdude suggests, everyone looked down at the mention of Sally, it wasn't a nice topic to bring up.

Everyone nodded, "The first chance I get I'll let the prisoners free though," Awesamdude added, everyone nodded again, not wanting to be there anymore, and went back to their houses.

-back with the others-

They had arrived in The Nether, and had started walking towards the fortress, when the arrived they didn't know what to do,

"Hey Ranboo? What are we supposed to do here?" Dream asked, "Uh," Ranboo said looking at a piece of paper, "Find a room made entirely of netherite," Ranboo says, "Alright, let's get going then."

It had taken three hours to find a room even close to the description Ranboo gave, but when they showed Ranboo the room, he said it was the wrong one.

Another three hours later, they had found the correct room, inside was a portal, but made out of netherite, "Yeah this is it," Ranboo stated, "I'm not supposed to go with you guys though," Ranboo added,

"Why?" Dream asked, Ranboo shrugged, "I don't know," He says, "Now go! I'll be back when you defeat the wither!" Ranboo says, Techno and Dream nodded,

"How do we open the portal at least?" Techno asks, "Blaze powder, now, Good bye!" Ranboo said and disappeared down the hallway,

"You have blaze powder?" Dream immediately asks, "Uh, I think so," Techno said, "Oh, yeah I do," he adds,

Techno puts the blaze powder on the portal frame, after a few seconds the blaze powder creates a yellow portal, "Alright, let's go," Dream says,

They step inside the portal, and teleport to the new world,

The new world was a black sand desert, they sky was deep purple and bones were scattered everywhere, there was no sun, moon or stars, just a void in the sky.

"Where do we go?" Dream asked, "I don't know, let's just explore for now." Techno told him

They walked for a bit before seeing four pillars of smoke, the decided to head towards there, the place where the smoke came from was a giant tower, made of a unrecognizable stone that was black, the fires that made the smoke were a electric blue, the door to the tower was wide open so they decided to go in.

When they entered there was a royal blue carpet with gold thread in it, at the end of the carpet was a black and red wither skull throne, in the centre if the room was another portal but this one was green,

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