Temple of Relics

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(No pov)

"It had been two years since The Wither had been defeated, and no one could've been happier.

Dream and Wilbur had built a small cottage near Skybooke's mountain and they always enjoyed the small trips up to castle's observatory.

But... they wanted to build something else, something... new.

They wanted to build something that houses their memories of their great journey, and what could be better than a temple in a field? That would be a perfect place, and the scenery would be beautiful.

So the couple explained their idea to the people that were included in the wonderful journey and they began construction on a wonderful stone building.

It took three months of non-stop work but they had finally completed the temple.

The temple was designed to be a mix of the five kingdoms, the Smp, Minecraftia, Oceana, Sky Brooke, and The End.

Magnificent arches the stretched over the roof represented Sky Brooke.

The ocean blue roof with fish and seashell carvings represented Oceana.

The elegant stonework and pillars represented Minecraftia.

The building style itself represented the Smp.

And the inside decorations represented The End.

Inside the building was a Church Prime worship area, a Relics section, and a history section.

Wilbur and Dream looked over at their creation with happiness coursing through their veins.

The look at each other and grinned before running inside and placing the final items.

At the end of a hallway was a blank stone wall, but it wasn't like that for much longer anyway.

Dream and Wilbur placed three item frames, each containing one compass, portraits of everyone from the smp and finally, a book about the adventure and a giant scroll telling the legend Sally told them.

'Centuries ago, before humans like us came to be, there were gods, DreamXD and Death. The gods one day got lonely, so they created humans like us.'

'But DreamXD had to leave his brothers behind to become a god and help with creating this world, DreamXD was so busy he barely saw his brothers anymore.'

'One day, a terrible curse was placed by a demon, or more commonly known as a dreamon, some humans got corrupted and are now mobs.'

'A small group of humans summoned DreamXD, and he came, the group asked for four kingdoms, Minecraftia, Oceana, Sky Brooke, and The End Kingdom.'

'They all said goodbye to each other and went off to their kingdoms.'

'Some humans went to Minecraftia, which was in a mountain area where there was lots of dark oak and birch.'

'The ocean life hybrids went to Oceana, when it was a oceanside village and the only thing underwater was the temple.'

'The hybrids with wings went to Sky Brooke which was on a mountain, giving them easy access to the sky.'

'The End hybrids went to The End and haven't been heard from since.'

'The Dreamon had created more dreamons and was now known as The Wither and they lived in their own little kingdom, The Nether with the piglins, wither skeletons, blazes, and more.'

'Centuries later they got attacked.'

'Minecraftia was hit first so bad to the point where the two princesses met with a nice witch, who sank it, but was later attacked by the mobs and sadly died.'

'Oceana was hit next, the mobs caused a title wave, and was buried deep in the ocean.'

'Sky Brooke was next, and one of the gods raised the entire thing above the clouds.'

'But no one knows what happened to The End, because they cut off all communication to this realm.'

The two finished placing their final memories before facing each other and embracing each other tightly with happiness.

The pulled away before sharing a quick kiss and leaving their newly built temple, hand in hand.

As the years past the two lived their lives, happily growing into old age and dying within each other's arms, smiles staying on their faces.

The gods cried at the loss of their brother and son, so they made their spirits immortal, meeting each other in each different life and universe but staying as soulmates through every trouble they came across.

The Temple?

Like the two, it grew old and eventually faded from most memory, but it stayed alive through one families bloodline, the relics inside grew old as well and cracked, ripped, or faded away.

But the spirit of the temple and couple stayed alive, through every life, universe, war, insanity, curse, and kingdom, it always stayed intact.

Now go find that temple you two."

(760 words)

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