Chapter 8 || A Look Courage

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(No pov)

!!Mentions of torture!!

Dream wakes up the most comfortable he's ever felt, he happily sighed and snuggled closer to Wilbur.

They stay like that for another twenty minutes before Wilbur moves and buries his head into Dream's hair, "Good morning love," Wilbur says tiredly,

Dream pretends to be asleep which makes Wilbur laugh quietly, "I know you're awake Dream," Wilbur whispers into Dream's ear making him shiver, which makes Wilbur laugh more.

"Willl, why do we have to get up," Dream whined tiredly. "Because Phil wants us up for a meeting." Wilbur sighs and gets up, which makes Dream whine more,

"Come on Dream, we need to get up," Wilbur says, Dream groans and gets up, "Where'd you put my clothes?" Dream asks, "There in the bathroom," Wilbur responds, "Thanks Wil," Dream says with a smile.

He walks into the bathroom and hears the door open and a small bit of mumbling and the door closing, he than changes, when he walks out Wilbur is reading the scroll that Ranboo gave Phil with a troubled expression.

Dream walks over and tugs on Wilbur's arm, "What are you reading?" Dream asks, Wilbur looks up and smiles, "Nothing just a message from Sally," Wilbur says, he stands up and wraps a wing around Dream and hands him the mask, "Let's go meet Phil and the others now," and Dream puts the mask on and they walk out,

They walk down the stairs and into the meeting room, Ranboo, Techno, and Phil turned towards them, "Are you two together?" Ranboo asks, "Yes we are," Wilbur says nuzzling his head into Dream's hood.

"Can we get onto the meeting now?" Techno asked, Wilbur nodded and went beside Phil, and Dream joined Techno and Ranboo,

"Alright, first things first," Phil started, "If it wasn't obvious enough, Wilbur and I are The Protectors of the Skies, and it appears that the other Protectors have fulfilled their duties, so Wilbur and I will most likely fulfill our soon," Phil stated

"And it appears that you're next stop is The Nether, to defeat The Wither and the Dreamons, but first you need the proper gear to do that, so we'll go to the armoury for that, and it appears that you only have one compass, that leads here, meaning that the smp people have the other one." Wilbur added.

"Yes, but I think we have a but longer than last time, because we left earlier and the still need to drop Sally off in the smp, get the compass from her, and come here." Ranboo said,

Phil nodded, "Has anyone in the smp been acting strange, or is there anything off?" Phil asked,

"George singlehandedly took down The Original Minecrafters, and Antfrost and Bad found an egg and they're all more aggressive and violent." Ranboo said, Phil and Ranboo froze, Phil sighed, "We have dreamons on our hands then. We should get to work right away but first." Phil said in a determined voice,

"Wilbur go grab our guest, please." Wilbur nodded and walked out of the room, a couple minutes later he came back with a familiar brunette with golden goggles, "Karl?" Dream, Techno, and Ranboo said in unison.

"Uh.. who are you guys?" Karl asked, "Karl here appears to have memory loss, so we also have to deal with that." Phil explained, "Oh so I once knew them?" Karl asked, "Indeed," Phil told him.

"Let's get to work then." Wilbur told them all.

Karl, Techno, Dream, Ranboo, followed Wilbur and Phil to the armoury, "Quick question, do you guys have anything that you think could help Karl with his memory?" Phil asked, Dream thought for a bit. "Maybe the compasses?" He wondered aloud.

He took out the compass with 'The Ruins' on it our and showed Karl,

Karl gasped and took it, "This reminds me of that pocket watch I had!" He said, "I don't have it though.." He said sadly, "alright, if we get the pocket watch that should help," Phil mused.

Once they arrived at the armoury the started making sets of enchanted netherite armour, and a couple swords, axes, shields, and crossbows. Around three hours later the finished and were working with trying help Karl's memory.

-the smp members-

Everyone was growing more and more afraid of George, Bad, and Ant by the minute, the bossed everyone around, and were preparing for the journey to Sky Brooke,

They had tortured Sally into giving them the compass a few hours ago and succeeded. The salmon hybrid was bleeding from numerous cuts all over her body, and she had puffy red eyes, and tear stains.

The other prisoners were forced to listen to her cries and screams for hours until she gave them the compass.

"We'll leave the second everything is prepared!" George said as they cackled,

The smp members were terrified but they couldn't do anything.

-back with the others-

They had put the Nether Portal in a cave on solid ground, and were currently linking it up to one in the Nether Fortress.

Once they were finished linking the portals they had a wonderful dinner, full of laughs and jokes. One they finished dinner, they went off to do whatever they wanted to.

Wilbur grabbed Dream's hand and dragged him to a room, both laughing in joy.

When they arrived at the room, Wilbur opened the door and the room inside amazed Dream.

It was an astral observatory, the entire roof was glass and the back wall was too, on the wall were boards that showed every planet and constellation, there were telescopes in the corner and there were blankets in the centre of the room,

Dream gasped in amazement of the starts, they were all across the sky and it was just beautiful.

"Do you like it?" Wilbur asked softly, wrapping a wing around Dream, "I love it Wilbur!" Dream said happily and grabbed Wilbur's hand and they laid down on the blankets, Dream was on Wilbur's chest, staring at the stars,

"Hey I see Orion! Dream said and pointed to the three starts in line, they pointed out constellations and talked for what felt like hours, eventually falling asleep in each other's arms,

-the next morning-

Wilbur awoke first, and shook Dream awake, "Nooo.." Dream whined clinging onto Wilbur more, "We have to get up love, today's the day," Wilbur whispered softly,

Dream groaned and opened his eyes, "Good mor-" Dream started but was cut off by loud footsteps coming towards the room,

A terrified Ranboo opened the door, "Dream, I'm sorry but we need to leave right now." Ranboo said in a panicked tone,

Wilbur and Dream both paled, They both jumped up and the three bolted out the door and down the hallway and stairs to meet a calm Phil and Techno, Karl was most likely hiding.

"You guys ready?" Phil said, the three nodded, and grabbed their supplies and they started walking towards the exit off the islands,

Dream was confused when Wilbur and Phil stopped but Techno and Ranboo kept going, "Aren't you guys coming?" Dream asked,

Wilbur looked sad, and Phil had a determined look on his face, "Dream we're not supposed to go," Wilbur stated sadly.

Dream was confused, "What do you mean? You guys helped us! Why can't you go?" He asked, Techno and Ranboo were waiting for Dream by the edge.

Wilbur put his hands on Dream's face, or mask. "We'll be right behind you Dream, we just need to do something quickly." Wilbur lied.

"Oh ok, see you in a bit then! I thought you were going to leave or something," Dream said and walked to edge.

Ranboo, Techno and Dream drank feather fall potions and jumped.

Wilbur smiled sadly as he and Phil went back to the castle.

(1301 words)

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