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Isabella Kaiser awakens at the sound of yelling. 

        She walks out of her bedroom and stands on the corridor. Someone is yelling, but she doesn't know who it is. She slowly walks down the wooden brown stairs and tracks the owner of the voice. When she sees her parents in the kitchen, she walks inside and sees three men. Isabella doesn't recognize any of them. They are wearing long black leather coats with big black boots, as if they're sterotypical detectives. 

        Her parents are angry. Her mother wraps her arms around her as she stands there, staring at the three men she doesn't know. Then she hears her mother speak.

        "I want you three to leave my house." she says. "I never want to see your faces again. Do you understand me?'

        The man in the middle replies, "Now is that how druids talk to wolves? Your kind is meant to guide us."

        Then her father, "You're not even proud of your kind. In fact, you hate it. She doesn't guide lunatics like you." 

        What Isabella sees next is unbelievable. The man in the middle's eyes turn red. Very red. They're glowing so bright, but she can't look away. She's curious. She's curious as to why her mother seems to want her to watch. To why the man's eyes are red. 

        "Isabella." her mother says. "This is a situation that takes place in a world you haven't seen before. You need to see this."

        Then right after the man in the middle's eyes glow, he says, "Kill them." 

        The eyes of the men beside him become yellow and they growl. They growl like animals. Her mother pushes her to the side, causing her to hit the wall. But that small amount of pain will never compare to the attack the men are planning to do to her parents. She watches, defenseless, as her parents fight back. One of the yellow-eyed men pushes her mother to the living room, and the other does the same to her father. The red-eyed man calmly walks inside the living room too.

        Just as one of the men attempt to punch her mother, she dodges and twists his arm. She steps back and takes her husband's hand, her other hand rising up to the air and lowering down as some dark brown dust appaears around them. Isabella gasps at the sight. Her mother has a special ability, something supernatural. It makes her wonder if she has the same powers. She tries the technique and fails, then she thanks to herself that no one saw.

        The two men place their hands in front of them, and an invisible force blocks them from touching her parents. The red-eyed man turns around and faces Isabella. She backs away slowly, but the man grabs her arm and pulls her toward the scene. Her parents' eyes widen. 

        The red-eyed man puts her in front of him and places his hand on her neck. She feels something sharp and tries to look down with only her eyes. There she sees white claws from his hand, making her heart pound faster. Tears start to flow down her cheeks. 

        "Step out of the circle or she dies," says the man.

        Her father speaks, "You can't just ask us to turn you back to humans. It's not possible. Just try to embrace the fact that you're werewolves." 

        Werewolves. That's what they are. This frightens Isabella more than ever, and the three men sense her fear. 

        "She's scared, Richard. Do you not care for your daughter? What about you, Victoria?" the man asks.

        Victoria slowly steps out of the circle, then Richard follows. Richard's eyes land on Isabella for a quick second, and in all quick motion, he pushes her into the circle, her landing on her back. Victoria attemps to punch the red-eyed man in the face, but he blocks it and takes them both by the neck.

        Quicker than ever, the red-eyed man slashes their throats and drops them on the floor. 


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