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Isabella is wearing a dress.

She hates dresses, just as much she hates Marcus and his pack. Liam and Mason are wearing casual clothes. She would do the same thing, but no, her aunt Roni just had to make her wear a freaking dress.

"Isabella! Come down! Your friends Liam and Mason are here!" Roni shouts at the bottom of the stairs, calling for her niece.

Isabella calls back, "I'm coming down, only if you let me change!"

"No way in hell are you getting out of the dress! I'm sure you look gorgeous!" Roni says.

"It's a full moon tonight, and you want me to wear a dress?!"

Roni laughs, "Lol why not?"

"You did not just say 'lol'."

"Lol yeah I did. Now get down!" Roni shouts.

Isabella groans and puts on her blue flats. She's wearing a dark purple short sleeved dress with the bottom reaching right above her knees.

Before she walks out of her room, she looks at herself in the mirror. She doesn't look that bad; pretty actually. But she still hates wearing dresses at any occasion. It's just an a band performance at school anyway. Why does she have to wear a dress?

Isabella walks down the stairs and immediately sees Liam and Mason. Her eyes are glued to Liam's as she steps down.

When she reaches the floor, she notices Liam's eyes are wide open, and his lips are slightly parted. Oh God, his lips. The memory of his lips on hers still lingers in her thoughts.

"Are we gonna go or are we just gonna stare at each other?" Mason asks.

There's a clicking sound, and the three freshmen look at Roni. She's taken a photo, and she's also got a huge smile on her face. Isabella runs over to her aunt and looks at her phone. She didn't even include Mason. It was zoomed in on Isabella and Liam. By this time, the two boys are looking at the picture.

"Really?" Isabella gives her aunt a look.

Roni shrugs and walks out of the house. Isabella sighs and follows her. They go inside Roni's car. Isabella calls shotgun, and Liam and Mason sit at the back.

"How are you all feeling for the full moon?" Roni asks as she starts to drive.

Liam answers first. "It's my third one. But I'm really confident that I'm not gonna lose control." He mutters the last part. "At least I hope so."

Mason doesn't have to be a werewolf to hear what Liam just said. He gives his best friend a look as he raises an eyebrow.

"Well at least you experienced a full moon." Isabella sighs. "I'm freaking out. I had a panic attack at school earlier just thinking about."

"You told me. Like 4,000 times," Roni says.

She mentioned the kiss to her after school. That's why she's officially shipping Liam and her. Isabella specifically told her to not do anything stupid when it came to the two of them, but with Roni being Roni, she doesn't bother following her niece's instructions.

Roni pulls over in front of the school.

"Alright. Beyond this moment is all in your responsibility. I can't do anything to help after this." Roni says, receiving a nod from each of the three. "Do any of you have questions?"

When the two boys don't say anything, Isabella speaks up. "What do I do if I feel like I'm gonna lose control?"

Roni smirks and tilts her head a bit. "Don't panic."

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