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The next few weeks for Isabella are weird.

Everyday after her parents died has always been weird. Her dreams are nothing but memories of her parents or memories of how that night went. The funeral was just a few days ago, and now Isabella is standing in front of her aunt's front door in Beacon Hills, California.

She knocks on the door and waits a few seconds before the door opens. There stands her aunt, the lady she only met once when she was a just baby. Aunt Veronica was the nearest family member, so Isabella had no choice but to go here.

Aunt Veronica pulls her in for a big hug and says, "Oh, Isabella, you're so big! So tall and beautiful oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!"

Isabella awkwardly pats Aunt Veronica's back, feeling slightly uncomfortable. It's not her fault though. It's not like she met this person hundreds of times. She barely even knows her. Not wanting to let her down, she just hugs her back, but not as tight as the hug she's being given.

"How old are you? Do you have a boyfriend? Maybe a girlfriend? How are your grades? This town is creepy. You'll get used to it. But I'm sure you'll be fine. You're a virgin, right?"

"Listen um, Aunt Veronica-"

"Oh, call me Roni!" Aunt Veronica interrupts.

Isabella slowly nods awkwardly and continues, "Okay, Roni, um, as you know, the last time I met you was when I was like what, 6 months old? I'm 14 now. And I know you're excited to see me and all, but I don't really know you that much. So instead of asking me a bunch of random questions like whether I'm a virgin or not, which I am, I'd really like to get to know you better and vice versa."

"Right, I completely understand. I'm sorry for just hugging you like that and whatever. I'm just really excited."

Roni takes some of Isabella's bags and leads her to her room upstairs. Isabella takes the remaining bags and follows her. When they stop, Roni opens the door to her room and walks inside. The room is like any ordinary room. It's blue, there's a nice bed, a decent view outside the window, a desk, and a closet. Pretty normal. They put the bags on the floor and Isabella takes in the room more.

This is where I'll be living from now on. she thinks. Might as well get used to it.

Isabella sits down on the bed and sighs. Unexpectedly, her eyes start to water and she puts her head in her hands. The tears start to fall down making her sniffle. The sound makes Roni take a seat next to her.

"Oh, Isabella." she says. "I'm really sorry you have to go through this. You're not the only one suffering. Losing your sister and brother in law is hard to get over. But we need to move on. You need to move on. If they hadn't done what they did, you would have died. There's still so much more you need to experience, and I think Beacon Hills is a great town to start over." she pauses. "Even though it gets creepy on full moons, but it doesn't really matter to be honest. My point is, it's been weeks. Nearly a month. Time is flying, and we need to get back to reality. Move on."

Isabella sniffles again. Roni sighs.

"I'll give you some time to yourself." she says.

Roni stands up and walks out of the room, closing the room. Isabella takes her head out of her hands and wipes the tears from her face and eyes. She walks over to the door and locks it then walks toward a mirror. She pulls up the sleeve of her sweater and sees the clear skin. She sighs. The memory is so clear.

Richard and Victoria lay on the floor, lifeless. Isabella looks up from the sight and sees the red-eyed man looking straight at her. She's sitting with her hands behind her back on the floor, balancing her, from the position after her father pushed her. The red-eyed man's cheeks are hairy and odd looking. He walks closer to the circle and growls.

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