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Marcus's bright red eyes are revealed as he stares at Isabella.

Isabella turns back around, facing away from the alpha. She looks at Liam and Mason as they try to take in the fact that Marcus is in their school. Mason licks his lips and blinks quickly; an act of nervousness.

"It's fine. We can just text Scott to come here or something," Liam says, trying to calm his two friends down.

Isabella quickly gets her phone and starts texting Scott for help. She explains the situation and how Marcus is in the gym, not up for the band performance at all. He's looking for a different show. After a few seconds, Isabella receives a reply from him. She reads the text for a few seconds and looks up.

"He says he's already at Derek's loft. They have a situation themselves," Isabella says.

Mason asks, "What is it?"

"Marcus's pack." she says. "They're with them right now."

"And we're dealing with their alpha," Liam mutters to himself.

Isabella shakes her head, but before she can reply, she hears the echo of a voice; speaking to her. She looks at Liam. By the look on his face, he can hear it just as clearly as she can.

"Isabella. Are you listening?" asks the voice.

"Marcus," she replies.

"Good, you can hear me. Now I know your little boyfriend over there can hear me too, so I might as well let him listen because this is about to get interesting."

Isabella and Liam look at each other, small blushes appearing on their cheeks. They look away and concentrate on what Marcus is saying. Mason, knowing he can't hear Marcus, plays with his fingers instead, still nervous.

"What do you want?" Isabella asks.

"I want you in my pack, Isabella. You have great potential."

"For what? Helping you find a cure? There obviously isn't one, Marcus. Accept the fact that you're a werewolf."

"Accept the fact that I've become a monster?"

"Exactly. Like the fact that you killed your own wife because of it."

Marcus replies, "I'm your alpha, Isabella Kaiser. And you're my beta. I bit you. Now you have no choice but to join me and help me find a cure. If we do manage to find a cure, you can go back to normal. Be a regular teenaged girl."

Isabella looks up at Liam again. He's shaking his head at her.

"Don't do it. He's probably just gonna get the cure and use it for himself and leave all of you behind," Liam says.

The look on Isabella's face shows worry and possibility. Be a regular teenaged girl. That would be an amazing opportunity. Be normal and just live high school with normal high school drama like boys and schoolwork. Now, as a werewolf, her drama includes supernatural creatures and mean alphas.

"But what if he means it? What if he can actually turn me back to normal? I won't move away. I'll stay here in Beacon Hills and help you guys out," Isabella says. "Liam. My mother always said to take chances, no matter how hard it is. I...maybe I should try."

A heartbroken look is plastered on Liam's face. Mason has the same look. Although Mason looks sad, Liam is beginning to tear up. Isabella begins to feel this pang of sadness inside, but she knows that she has to take this chance.


"What if...what if you join him and never come back? What if you decide to leave us forever?" he pauses. "What if you leave me forever?"

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