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"Isabella! What the hell happened to you!" Roni yells when she sees her niece.

Isabella's neck has a small scratch from Marcus's claws. It's not a big one that can kill her. It didn't even get through her skin at all. Even though she didn't get hurt, the scratch is still noticable.

How did she get the scratch when he didn't even do it? When he moved to cover his ears from Lydia's scream, his hand moved quickly and ended up scratching her as little bit. But it's not a big deal.

"I'm fine, Roni, I swear," Isabella says.

She feels this weird tingling on her neck. Actually, she's been feeling that since the scream. She just didn't wanna think about it.

Roni walks closer to Isabella and touches her neck. The face she makes worries Isabella. Roni looks suspicious but also concerned.

"It's just a scratch," Isabella mumbles.

Roni gives her a look, "It's gone."

"What do you mean it's gone? It may be just a scratch but come on, it can't just heal immediately," Isabella says.

"I need to ask you a question," Roni says.

Isabella shrugs, "Shoot."

"Are you a werewolf?"

Isabella, known as the worst lier since she was born, shakes her head quickly and laughs nervously.

"No! What? Werewolf? They're...they're not real,"

"Oh my God, I don't even need to be a werewolf to know that you're lying. Who turned you?" Roni rubs her hand on her forehead.

"Some guy named Marcus Torrez," Isabella mumbles, looking at the floor. Then she looks up at Roni. "Wait you're a werewolf?"

"Yeah, forget about that for now. Did you say Marcus Torrez?"

"Um, yeah. Why?"

Roni sighs, "Marcus Torrez is an alpha of a pack of supernatural-hating werewolves. He hates the supernatural world too. Your mother was a druid. They're meant to help werewolves, but she refused to help his you were there that night..."

Isabella lets out a shaky breath, remembering how Marcus slashed her parents' throats and how they dropped on the floor with no life left. If only Marcus didn't go to their house, her parents would still be alive, and she wouldn't be a werewolf.

"Who bit you?" Isabella asks, somewhat changing the subject.

"Some alpha. Don't remember his name. I passed out after he bit me, and when I woke up, I had no memory of how the bite happened," she explains, shrugging it off as if it wasn't a big deal at all.

"So...are you in a pack?" Isabella asks.

"No. I'm an omega. A lone wolf," Roni smiles. "They say an omega never survives for a long time, but hey, guess what, I've been an omega for 5 years. I'm that awesome."

This makes Isabella laugh, and Roni leans in for a hug. She hugs her back, and without expecting it, she starts crying on her aunt's shoulder. Roni's hand rubs her back to comfort her.

"I don't even know why I'm crying," Isabella says after she pulls away.

Roni gives her a sad smile and says, "There are a lot of supernatural beings here in Beacon Hills. You can try to find some friends."

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