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The next few days are a blur.

Isabella and the pack have been getting closer and closer everyday. She, Liam, and Mason have become really close friends and hang out with each other a lot. Whether it's to go out for dinner or hang out at their houses, they just enjoy each other's company.

The pack, especially Scott has been teaching Isabella some tips and tricks about being a werewolf. They taught her how to flash her claws, which took her a few tries before she could finally get it. They also taught her how to glow her eyes at will.

Everyday Isabella improves. Everyday she gains more confidence as a werewolf. There's also one thing that she always gets reminded of. Everyday is a day closer to the full moon.

The sound of Mason's locker door slamming shut pulls her out if her trance. He and Liam are talking about a physics assignment due on Friday that she doesn't remember. Maybe she was too distracted to remember the teacher saying that.

"Haley immediately asked me to be her partner, and I've heard rumors about her," Mason says as the three of them walks to the cafeteria.

Liam's calm face becomes a confused one as he asks  "What kind of rumors?"

"I heard she threats people online and makes their lives miserable if someone says no to her. So just to stay safe, I had to say yes," Mason explains as they start to line up for food. Liam gives him a look. "What? You guys got claws and swords, I need to pass my class."

"Dude. If she tries to ruin your life, the pack can help you." Liam says, making his eyes glow. "Really help you."

Mason panics and slaps Liam's upper arm, "Turn that off, someone might see you!"

Liam turns off with a smile and says, "Don't worry, no one saw."

"I did," a familiar voice says.

The trio turns around and sees Scott McCall, holding his tray of food, looking angry. Isabella can suddenly hear a heart pound fast, and it takes her a second to realize it's Liam's.

"Scott...I...I'm sorry, I was just trying to-" Liam starts to explain, but Scott cuts him off.

"It doesn't matter what you were trying to do. You can't glow your eyes or do anything werewolf-like in public, especially in a room full of teenagers who can share anything online." Scott says, and Liam quickly nods. "I forgive you, Liam. But don't do it again, alright?"

Here really is kind. Isabella thinks to herself.

Liam nods again, and Scott walks away, heading toward their table. Isabella hears Liam sigh as they continue to move in the line. Good thing no one heard their conversation.

"So. When's the physics assignment due?" Isabella asks, trying to reduce the slightly tense air around them.

Mason looks up after he places food on his tray and replies, "Friday. So we have two days to work on it, this afternoon, and tomorrow. Unless you have time Friday morning and afternoon, then you can count that as a third day."

"Wait, why did you say afternoon? Why would you work on the assignment just before the deadline?" Isabella asks, confused.

"You weren't listening, were you?" Liam says. "There's a band performance Friday night. We're supposed to find Ms. Eckert in her seat and pass it to her then. This way we still have time to finish the assignment."

"There's a band performance on Friday evening?" Isabella says, almost shouting. Liam and Mason nod. "Don't you guys remember? Full moon! I can't watch without losing control and killing everyone!"

Don't Panic || Liam Dunbar || 01Where stories live. Discover now