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Isabella hates being the new kid.

Everyone in the entire world hates being the new kid. It just sucks. You gotta meet new friends, fit in, find your classes, and you have no idea how strict or calm the teacher might be. You need to figure out who to trust. In Isabella's case, she believes there's no one who can handle the fact that there's a (possible) werewolf in the school.

She walks down the hall and into the principal's office. She gets her schedule and walks out, staring at the piece of paper in her hand. She continues to look at her schedule while walking, reading the names of each subject and the names of the teachers, and then the next thing she knows, she's on the floor.

Isabella looks up, half expecting it to be some really mean popular girl but instead sees a worried one. Well, at least she thinks she's popular. She has this strawberry blonde hair color and green eyes.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" says the girl. She takes Isabella's hand and pulls her up. "I am so, so sorry. I was reading a text from my friend Scott and-wait you're new."

Isabella chuckles, "Is it really that obvious?"

"Given by the fact that you're holding your schedule, yes, it's obvious." she smiles and Isabella smiles too. "I'm Lydia. Lydia Martin. And you are?"

"Isabella Kaiser."

"Nice to meet you, Isabella. So you're what, a freshman?" Lydia asks.

"Yes, actually, I am. And if it's not any trouble, do you think you can show me to my first class? It's Science."

"Sure, a few minutes late shouldn't do me any trouble. Wow, I never thought I'd say that in my entire life."

Lydia starts walking, and Isabella follows her. They're silent for a few minutes, not knowing what to say. While they walk, Isabella looks at the students and how they all have cool friends. It makes her miss her old ones, then she remembers she was a total outsider back home. Her friends were never 'true friends' actually. She would only eat lunch with them and have short conversations, but she would never actually tell them secrets and hang out with them when there's no school. Maybe here in Beacon Hills, things can change.

Maybe she can actually trust someone here.

Lydia stops in front of a door just as the bell rings. "Here we are. And now I gotta go. It was nice meeting you, Isabella."

"Yeah, thanks Lydia," Isabella replies awkwardly.

Lydia smiles and quickly walks off, heading to her class all the way in the other side of the school. She takes a deep breath and walks inside the classroom. The teacher is already there, and she looks away from the class and looks at Isabella. Everyone's eyes are on her, and her heart beats faster. She suddenly feels weird inside. Not like a nervous feeling like stage fright but something different. Her heart pounds faster and faster.

"You must be Isabella," the teacher says, breaking her from her trance.

She feels her heart slow down, then she nods and walks toward the teacher.

"Class, this is Isabella Kaiser. She's new, so take it easy on her," says the teacher. "Take a seat in front of Liam over there."

The teacher's finger is pointed at a seat in front of a cute blonde guy. The boy, Liam, looks at Isabella intensely. What makes her more uncomfortable is that he doesn't look away. It's not the type of look where someone has a crush on you, it's more like a look of confusion.

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