Chapter 2: Trick Or Treat Freaks

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You start walking down the Pumpkin Patch field, the cold sending shivers down your legs. Your body is freezing to its core, as your knuckles turning red and nose getting stuffy you look farther down and see a house. Next to the house is a giant sign that's unintelligible from this far away.

You start to walk closer to the house, it's white but autumn leaves rest on the roof. A complacent car sits beside the house, a black tarp draped over it for the fall season. Thousands of leaves sit upon it.

A car pulls up to the house, the man only a blur from this distance. "Help!" You yell, the words feeling foreign in your mouth.

A man slides out of the car and starts walking towards you, from his posture he's reluctant and cautious of you.

He wears a green coat with fur on the inside and wears a green cap. You continue walking towards him hesitantly.

You meet the man head-on, his rough gaze turning to one more sympathetic he puts his right hand on your shoulder. Your gaze twists to the hand deadpan, like a fish. "Kid. What the hell are you doing back here? It's almost nine o' clock. Halloween's going to be here in three days. Shouldn't you be home?"

"I- It's almost Halloween?" You ask, The man looks over at you and raises an eyebrow.

"You di-" The man doesn't get to finish, as Hopper comes up behind you. Your heart catches in your throat, your body's fight or flight activating. "Sorry about that. Kids love playing pranks these days." His voice sounds deeper then last year, and happier; but his tone isn't one of warmth.

"Mist-" You begin to speak, to try to argue. He betrayed you, Eleven's gone. You twist on your heels, preparing to dash away from the man.

He grabs you by your sleeve, his hand almost slipping away because of the goo. He begins to drag you away as the man speaks. "Yeah, just don't let him back on this property or I will call the cops." He finishes as your backs turn towards him. You exhale deeply, vision blurring as your eyes begin to fade in and out.

"He's trespassing." The man adds.

Hopper nods and smiles sarcastically, dragging you towards the right. His car is still on, purring in the fall wind. When you both make it to the car, Hopper opens the passenger door and slides a towel over the seat then allows you to get in. He walks around the front of the car to the driver door and gets in slowly, making sure not to knock over the alcohol in the middle cuphold. You wipe the end of the towel over your face, to at least clean yourself a little.

"How are you alive?" The chief looks over at you and asks.

You find yourself picking at the dirt beneath your nail nervously. "I- I don't know—" You admit slowly, not sure if the words can even be said properly. "Where's Eleven?" You question, stopping the nervous act as your eyes meet.

Hopper shakes his head and starts driving the car, pulling it onto a rough dirt road. "She's.. she's okay." He says, knuckles turning white against the steering wheel as he looks forward. You sigh in relief, body dropping back into the seat in the act of relief. He glances at you once he realizes your not responding and smiles lightly. "What?"

You shrug. "I missed you." You murmur, turning to look forward. He sighs. "You smell like shit. When we get to the house, take a shower."

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